Members Of The Silat College In Tulungagung Killed Persecuted By Coach And Senior, 4 People Become Suspects

TULUNGAGUNG - Police are investigating the death of Fajar Lutfi, a man who was a trainee at a silat college. He was allegedly killed by punches and kicks from coaches and other senior fighters.

The head of the Women and Children Protection Unit (UPPA) of the Tulungagung Police, Iptu Retno Pujiarsih said there were four people who were named suspects.

"Two of the four perpetrators of this persecution are still children or minors, so no detention will be carried out first, until the legal decision in this case is inkrah," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

The four perpetrators of the abuse were ER (20), FA (17), FI (23) and MO (16). .

For the two suspects who are still children, the police require them to report daily at the Tulungagung Police Satreskrim, until the judicial process is complete.

"Because the perpetrators are children, the judiciary is different from adults," explained Retno.

Although not detained, the two child suspects are required to be absent every day at the Tulungagung Police Satreskrim, until the judicial process.

The case was not diverted, because in accordance with Article 170 paragraph 2 point 3, the penalty is 12 years in prison.

"Because the threat here is 12 years, diversion cannot be registered. Diversion can be done if the threat is under seven years," he said.

At the beginning of the investigation, the two perpetrators had covered up this incident. However, with the approach taken, the perpetrator finally revealed the actual chronology of this incident.

"What really happened he explained, at first it wasn't like that," he said.

This child actor has joined the martial arts college since last year.

Fajar Lutfi died on the evening of Monday, July 26 after receiving punches and kicks from four silat coaches.

That led to the death of the victim at the house of one of the heads of the silat college. From the autopsy results on the victim's body, there was a wound on the victim's solar plexus due to a blunt object blow. And other body parts are bruised.