Acting Governor Of South Kalimantan Asks For Accelerated Distribution Of PPKM Rice Aid

BANJARMASIN - Acting Governor of South Kalimantan Safrizal ZA asked Perum Bulog and PT Pos to accelerate the distribution of rice aid for Beneficiary Families (KPM).

This was conveyed by Acting Governor Safrizal ZA while leading a coordination meeting on the distribution of Rice Aid for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (BB-PPKM) for the Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru areas at the South Kalimantan Governor's Office, Banjarmasin, Thursday, July 29.

"I ask for rice assistance to be distributed immediately because the deadline is July 31, 2021," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to Safrizal, the goal of the BB-PPKM program is to reduce the burden of spending through fulfilling some of the food needs for rice during PPKM.

Safrizal said that the progress of the distribution of BB-PPKM throughout South Kalimantan has reached 60 percent with 1,962,240 beneficiaries. The recipient will get 10 kg of rice.

Safrizal said the data for 1,962,240 KPM recipients of rice assistance came from data belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Previously, the Head of the Bulog Regional Office of the South Kalimantan Regional Office Muhammad Imron Rosidi said that his party had prepared 2,000 tons of rice for distribution of aid to 1,962,240 recipients.

As for the number of recipients in Banjarmasin City reached 23,830 and Banjarbaru 12,114 recipients.

He promised to continue to accelerate the distribution of PPKM Rice Aid while ensuring the quality of rice in accordance with good quality standards.

He hoped that the 100 percent distribution target, especially in the cities of Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru, would be realized, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.