Mayor Of Bandarlampung Offers Residents Whose Houses Collapsed By Sea Waves To Live In Flats

BANDARLAMPUNG - Mayor of Bandarlampung, Eva Dwiana, offered a family whose house collapsed due to being hit by waves of sea water accompanied by strong winds in Bumi Waras Sub-district to move to a flat in Teluk Betung Timur District.

"In last night's incident, four houses were affected and three semi-permanent houses were badly damaged and one was lightly," said Eva Dwiana, quoted by Antarra, Thursday, July 29.

High waves occurred at 01.00 WIB in the morning. The four houses affected by sea waves accompanied by strong winds are located or located on the beach.

"Yes, hopefully they will move to the flats because the house has collapsed like this and is not feasible," he said.

In addition, Eva continued, in order to ease their burden, the city government will also provide financial assistance of Rp. 5 million to each head of the family (KK).

Meanwhile, according to information from local residents, Suwandi said that the three houses that collapsed were the result of a slightly large sea wave that came at 01.00 WIB.

"Last night, the sea waves were big and maybe the house poles that were embedded in the sea water were not strong enough to hold the sea water and they collapsed and hit other houses," he said.

He said that there were no casualties in the incident because the occupants of the house immediately jumped out of the house window.

"Alhamdulillah, there were no casualties, all the families survived," he said.