IBL Starts Again September 4th, Protocol Already Prepared

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) operator and the club have agreed to restart the competition on 4 September. The final round is scheduled to end no later than 5 October 2020.

IBL and the club will also prepare to continue the 2020 season in a prepared format, starting with the play-offs to the final.

This decision is taken in a virtual meeting between the IBL and the managers of the entire club. During the meeting it was also agreed that the implementation would be better done in one city by taking into account the various conditions currently developing.

The city chosen is between DKI Jakarta and Yogyakarta. However, the final decision will be determined by observing the current situation until the day the IBL competition starts.

"The decision in one city was taken because of safety factors and also the efficiency of financing,"

President Director of IBL, Junas Miradiarsyah

Another discourse is to continue the competition with only local players. The process of bringing in foreign players that will be difficult to take into consideration, such as the arrival procedure. Apart from that, the IBL and the clubs also pay attention to the main factor, namely safety.

"Of course, as much as possible IBL prepares the things that are required, including implementation guidance documents, including training documents that have been completed," said Junas.

He emphasized that the continuation of the new IBL competition will run after obtaining permission from the federation and also the government. To that end, the IBL operator will continue to monitor developments.

Already Create Training Protocol

On the same occasion, the IBL management claimed to have compiled a training protocol guide amid the new norms. This protocol has also been submitted to Perbasi for views and approval.

IBL coordinates with the hospital which is a partner. In addition, the preparation of the protocol also takes into account references from FIBA, WHO and the government that have been published previously.

The protocol includes guidance for players on the way to the training ground, preparation and undertaking training, and after training. Each club is also asked to closely monitor the health condition of players, including conducting tests before training.

"If you have received a response, the club can do training. Of course, by referring to the protocol," said Junas.