Muhadjir: Until Whenever, Indonesia Will Always Be Plagued By Disasters

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy attended the opening of the BMKG National Development Coordination Meeting (Rakorbangnas) which was held virtually, Thursday, July 29.

In his presentation, Muhadjir said that Indonesia is in the area of the rice mill or ring of fire. Thus, disasters in Indonesia are a necessity. "Until whenever, Indonesia will always be plagued by disasters," said Muhadjir.

Muhadjir also explained about the disaster conditions for the last two years that befell Indonesia. It was recorded that throughout 2020, the number of disasters in Indonesia was 2,952 incidents.

Meanwhile, in 2021, based on data, up to June 2021, 1,500 disaster events have occurred. Where 99 percent are hydro-meteorological disasters. "In addition to natural disasters, on April 13, 2020 the government has declared the spread of COVID-19 as a non-natural national disaster," he said. Muhadjir also said that the Indonesian nation today and in the future is destined to be ready to face a very complex disaster. "Therefore, disaster preparedness, disaster response, and disaster construction are things that must be a cultural concern and the responsibility of all Indonesian people together," said Muhadjir.