The Meaning Of The UGM Symbol Which Confirms It As "Pancasila University"

JAKARTA - Gadjah Mada University has many identities. People's University, University of Struggle, or as a cultural center. And what is also closely attached: Pancasila University. UGM 'panic' is not only implied and explicit, but also visible.

We start with the looks. First, when we just pass through the main gate of the UGM campus, we will pass a road called Pancasila.

In addition, the Pancasila identity is getting thicker with the establishment of the Center for Pancasila Studies which was formed based on the UGM Rector's Decree Number: UGM / 87/3966 / UM / 01/37. This study center is intended to become a reference for world-class national level Pancasila studies that are superior and innovative, which in turn can serve the interests of the nation and humanity.

UGM's identity as a Pancasila University is also stated in the Decree of the Board of Trustees of Gadjah Mada University number 19 of 2006. This is how it reads: A university that sets its stance and outlook on life based on Pancasila. Therefore, in research (revealing reality and truth, objectivity and universality of science), education or teaching and community service are in line with and in line with the values of Pancasila.

What further confirms UGM as a Pancasila campus is the symbol itself. Quoting the UGM website, the center of the community campus symbol is in the form of a golden sun or sun that has a hole and emits rays in the form of five unified collections of rays.

Each set of rays consists of nineteen beams. Sun and rays are golden yellow. The sun with its rays, and the five-sided kartika (star) symbolize UGM as Pancasila University, the National Center for Science and Culture for higher education based on Pancasila, which radiates knowledge, reality and policy.

"Everything symbolizes Pancasila. Thus, UGM has the basis, nature and purpose, the essence of heroes and the national struggle for Pancasila," he wrote.

In addition, the five symbols of the songkok and spear symbolize the heroic character and national struggle of UGM which is always ready and alert. The whole is covered and permeated with Pancasila. "All of them symbolize the nature of UGM as a monument to the national struggle based on Pancasila," quoted on the UGM website.

Dies Natalis

Furthermore, the meaning of the UGM symbol implies the date of the establishment (Dies Natalis) of this university. At the center point of the symbol in the form of a sun with a hole or the so-called "binolong sun", for example.

This element implies the founding date of UGM. The word "solar" contains the meaning of the number 1, and "binolong" means the number 9. Thus, the form of binolong or hollow sun contains the numbers 1 and 9, which means 19.

Then, each unit of a collection of rays also consists of 19 beams which contain the meaning of the number 19 as well. The number 19 is the symbol of the founding date of UGM.

Then, the symbol that symbolizes the month of UGM's founding can be seen from the two shapes of arranged circles or twin suns which contain the meaning of the number 2 and the shape of the kartika or star which contains the meaning of the number 1.Therefore, the twin solar kartika shape contains the meaning 1 and 2, namely the number 12 which symbolizes the month of December.

Then, about the year of establishment. UGM symbolizes it with color. The combination of yellow, gold and white has the term 'purifying Suci marganing kanyatan', each of which has a numerical meaning.

Pure means 9, holy number 4, clan number 9 and reality number 1. So that if you read it from behind it will form the number 1949. That number is the year the UGM campus was founded.


Historically, UGM was inaugurated by the digger of Pancasila, Soekarno on December 19, 1959. This university was born from the arena of the struggle for the revolution for the Indonesian nation's independence.

Citing another UGM website, this college is a combination of several higher schools that have been established earlier. Among them are Gadjah Mada College Hall, Technical College, and Political Science Academy located in Yogyakarta, Legal Expert Education Center in Solo, and Preclinical Medical College in Klaten.

This development was legalized by Government Regulation Number 23 of 1949 concerning Regulations for Merging Universities into Universites. There is a special meaning why this university took the name Gadjah Mada.

This is to absorb the spirit and example of Mahapatih Gadjah Mada who has succeeded in uniting the archipelago. This example is translated into the formulation of UGM's identity as a national university, university of struggle, university of Pancasila, university of society and university of cultural center.

At the beginning of its establishment, UGM had six faculties, including the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Lecture activities at that time were held in Sitinggil and Pagelaran, using rooms and facilities in the Yogyakarta Palace.

In 1951, the physical construction of the month-old campus began. Entering the 1960s, UGM already had various facilities such as hospitals, radio transmitters, and other facilities that supported the learning process for students as well as serving the interests of the community.

Now, UGM has 18 Faculties, one Postgraduate School, and one Vocational School with dozens of study programs.