7 Ways To Read Personality By Writing

JAKARTA - Is it true that writing can help us read someone's personality? According to research from the National Pen Company in America, as reported by Herworld, Thursday, July 29, handwriting can provide clues about a person's traits.

All of this can be done simply by looking at how they separate each letter, create signatures, and how to connect the letters "o" and "s" to other letters in a word. However, make sure you write in cursive for more effective results.

Tilt Level

The level of inclination of a writing is a reflection of a person's emotional level.

Tilts to the right This indicates that you often deal with problems with emotional influences. You are also an open person and like to socialize with the people around you.

Italic to the left People with a writing style that slant to the left often maintain emotions in all situations. You are also often seen as a rebel. However, if people with this writing style are left-handed, they tend to be seen as cold and indifferent to their surroundings.

Not italic If your writing style is not italic at all, then you are using logic more than emotion. But you still have a high emotional reaction to the surrounding circumstances.

Space Between Words

The size of the space used between each word in writing indicates your level of comfort when communicating with other people.

Small spacing indicates that you are a person who loves to communicate and is not afraid to show it.

The large space size indicates that you are a person who needs his or her own space in communicating and doesn't want to be too close to other people.

Text Size

The size of your handwriting can determine your personality and how you see yourself.

Size large You have a friendly personality and see yourself as a person with a strong personality. You usually can't focus on just one thing for too long and are more likely to be seen doing a lot of work at once. Multitasking is your old BFF!

Your small size has a high level of concentration and great attention to small details. However, you are actually more shy and quite introverted.

Normal size indicates that you can easily adapt to any situation because you have a flexible personality. Your concentration level can be said to be quite good, unfortunately your attention is also easily distracted.

Writing Direction

Before attempting to read your personality or someone else's in writing, make sure you write it down on unlined paper. That way, you can see how your writing is going. Is the writing pointing up, down, or straight?

Going up/down If the post is pointing upwards, you are a positive, enthusiastic and principled person. But if your writing is pointing downwards, you tend to be pessimistic.

Wavy Maybe you've seen some people's writing style is wavy (sometimes pointing up and down). This shows that the person's mood is easy to change. However, if the wave is only at the beginning of the writing, it has balanced emotions.

Straight If your writing is in a straight line, you have a high level of self-control and are reliable. In addition, your emotional level can be maintained.

Capital letters

The size of the capital letters in a letter and its relationship to the letters after it describe the level of confidence that a person has.

A much larger capital letter than a lower case indicates that you are a highly self-confident person. The more different capital letters you write, the higher your confidence level. Hmm... maybe even a little cocky?

Capital letters that are the same size as lowercase letters indicate that you are an honest and humble person and have an average level of self-confidence. But when compared to other people, you tend to be more shy.


Pay attention as you write the letters L and E. The curves in these two letters indicate how you express yourself.

Small circle in the letter L Those who have this writing style tend to like to restrain themselves when it comes to expressing themselves. This indicates that they like to see and assess the situation before daring to express what they think.

The big circle in the letter L indicates someone who is spontaneous and relaxed, and easy to express themselves.

The small circle in the letter E is a sign that you are a suspicious person and cannot be influenced by arguments based on emotions.

The big circle in the letter E indicates that you are very open and enjoy enjoying new things in life.

S . Writing Style

Just like the letters L and E, the form of writing the letter S can also indicate a person's personality.

Looking round shows that you like to avoid conflict, like to compromise, and always try to please others.

Sharp-edged You are intellectual and love to learn new things. The higher and sharper the letter S you write, the more it shows the level of your ambition.

There is a clear circle at the bottom indicating that you rarely follow your own desires. This happens because you tend to follow the wishes of others.