Supporting Indonesian Children To Be Active, Nestlé Milo Launches Milo Activ Academy Platform

JAKARTA - Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, public activities outside the home have also been limited to reduce the risk of transmission. In addition to adults who are required to work from home, the call to school from home must also be followed by school-age children.

Participating in learning activities from home can result in children being too comfortable in a sedentary lifestyle circle. The reason is, they lose active moments playing with friends during the break which is usually done at school.

To support Indonesian children to stay active even at home, Nestlé Milo officially launched the MILO ACTIV Academy platform on Wednesday, July 28, through a virtual press conference. This program is intended for children aged 5-12 years. Why? Because children at that age are experiencing a phase of optimal development. By optimizing children's movements, learning achievement can also increase.

Image: Zoom Milo

“Every regular and measurable movement made by the child will oxygenate the child's body tissues. If body tissues, such as muscles, bones, cells, and brain are properly oxygenated, children can think and remember better.” concluded Sports Nutritionist, Dr. Rita Ramayulis, DCN, M.Kes

MILO ACTIV Academy presents a variety of recommendations for favorite sports support activities that can be done at home, ranging from aerobics, badminton, running, soccer, basketball to swimming which can be accessed through the website

Image: Zoom Milo

Each video tutorial for each sport is made in accordance with the MILO ACTIV Indonesia training module compiled by experts. There are about eight modules for each sport. This module is the result of a collaboration between MILO and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. These modules can be accessed by anyone for free.

Not only inviting Indonesian children to be active in sports, MILO ACTIV Academy also teaches children to compete through the Activ Children Competition program.

"So we will select 50 children with the first rank to get attractive prizes from Milo, such as medals, then also sports equipment," explained Business Executive Officer Beverages Business Unit Nestlé Indonesia, Mirna Tri Handayani.

“The way to get it is also easy, one module equals one point. So, if you can finish it faster, you can be the first. And this program will be held twice, in September and also December.” Mirna continued.

Hopefully with the MILO ACTIV Academy platform, it can be useful for parents at home as an alternative activity that can be done with children.