Arteria Dahlan Angry In Medan, Trigger Plenary Plenary Change Of Chairperson Of The Samosir DPRD, Who Was Sacked By PDIP

MEDAN - PDI-P politician Arteria Dahlan is angry because he feels that his party has been harassed. Because the plenary session with the agenda of changing the chairman of the DPRD for Samosir Regency, North Sumatra, Saut Tamba was repeatedly suspended.

According to PDIP records, three plenary sessions of DPRD have been suspended for reasons of not having a quorum. Therefore, the party bearing the symbol of a white-snouted bull reminded certain parties not to try to thwart the plenary session.

"PDIP considers that the plenary session which is suspended for certain reasons is a form of harassment. We warn that certain parties should not intentionally do that. PDIP will not remain silent," said Arteria Dahlan in Medan.

Arteria reminded that the decision of the PDIP DPP to fire 6 of its cadres who are also members of the Samosir DPRD from the party is a consequence of their attitude in disobeying the party's decision regarding the Samosir Regional Election some time ago.

"We convey that they are no longer PDIP cadres, as of the date of issuance of the dismissal letter. So they are not entitled to receive any facilities that have to do with PDIP's attributes," said Arteria.

PDIP, continued Arteria, is currently investigating whether the plenary suspension was carried out intentionally by certain parties. If it was intentional, then the PDI-P will take it to court.

In addition, the Deputy for Legal Affairs of the Central Research and Development Agency (BalitbangPus) of the PDI-P DPP also highlighted six former cadres who had been fired. However, they still carry the flag of the PDI-P faction at the Samosir DPRD.

Arteria Dahlan criticized law enforcement officers as well as the executive and legislature who protected former cadres who had been fired.

"We want to ensure the legal process, law enforcement and issues of law violations that occurred in Samosir Regency," he said.

Arteria emphasized that the assignment, dismissal, transfer and demotion (demotion) of party cadres are the sovereignty of political parties.

"Including the assignment of the chairman of the Samosir DPRD, the head of the faction and the members of the faction. So Saut Martua Tamba and his five friends, step down before you face many legal implications," he explained.

"They still claim to be members of the PDI-P even though they have been fired. They have to clarify, explain in public, this has been regulated in the Criminal Code, the Law on Criminal Acts of Corruption," he continued.