Aminda Presents Romance In No Love Other Than You

JAKARTA - Singer Aminda presents her latest song titled No Love Apart from You today, Wednesday, July 28.

After releasing her first single with Yovie Widianto, this time Aminda was assisted by Virgoun, the frontman of Last Child, to produce a work. Combining Aminda's voice and Virgoun's lyrics, this sweet romance song was born.

This process started when Virgoun heard Aminda's voice in the song Dua Tick Biru. “For me, apart from her soft voice, Ainda has a character that matches my songs, which are really story telling. So the chemistry with my songs will be really good,” said Virgoun.

Aminda herself feels that Virgoun is very good at creating songs with poetic lyrics. “I was immediately touched by the lyrics. The choice of words is beautiful beyond expectations," he said at a virtual press conference attended by VOI.

The workshop process for No Love Besides You lasted two months and both of them enjoyed the process. Virgoun's lyrics are inspired by the creed, where the sentence is a commitment to love between humans until death.

On the same day, Ainda also released a music video made with Soeleman Temple in Bali.

The song No Love Except You can be listened to digitally. Watch the music video below.