The Sand Boss In North Sumatra Was Killed By A Former Employee For Allegedly Cheating On Money, The Crippled Perpetrator Was Shot By The Police

MEDAN - Police arrested 3 perpetrators of the murder of sand base businessman Abdul Dani in Patumbak, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. The perpetrator was arrested in Langkat.

The three perpetrators are Dwi Lestari Widodo alias Bendot (33), Erwin Francisco (38), and Armansyah Darwis (37). The three were residents of Jalan Agriculture, Gang Sawah, Marindal I Village, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang.

Plt Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Medan, Kompol Rafles Langgak Putra Marpaung, said, based on the perpetrator's confession, Bandot was desperate to stab Abdul Dani because he did not accept being accused by his former boss of embezzling money from the sand base and renting a motor vehicle.

"The victim went to the suspect with his friend to Bandot's house in order to find Bandot because according to the suspicion the victim had embezzled money from work, namely sand excavation or chartering a motorized vehicle to look for the suspect," said Rafles, Wednesday, July 28.

Rafles explained that the incident occurred on Thursday, July 22. At that time, the victim and his friend Ali Wardani came to the perpetrator and immediately rebuked the suspect with accusations. During the argument, the victim strangled Bendot's neck.

Unable to see Bendot being strangled, his two friends who were at the location reacted by taking a crowbar and hitting the victim so that she fell down.

At that time, Bendot, who was emotional, went straight into the house and took a kitchen knife and chased the victim to the front of the empty house.

The victim who fell was immediately attacked by the three perpetrators in the bushes in front of the empty house.

At that time Bendot stabbed the victim's right chest. Meanwhile Erwin beat the victim using a crowbar and Dervish hit the victim's legs and head.

Seeing the victim lying down, the three fled using Dervish's motorbike.

"After being stabbed the victim bleeds until he bleeds out," continued Rafles.

For their actions, the three perpetrators face a maximum prison sentence of 20 years for causing someone's death.

"The first article used is 338 of the Criminal Code (regarding) killing killing another person's life. Then 351 of the Criminal Code paragraph 3 of persecution causing death," said Rafles