Here's How To Record Your Screen Using The VLC App

JAKARTA - VLC Media Player has many uses. But did you know that VLC Media Player can also record your screen? Here's how to record desktop with VLC easily.

At some point, you may need to record a video from your desktop. Maybe you want to take a snapshot of a favorite game, or record a step-by-step problem you're having. While you can record Windows screen without installing anything, there is another way.

VLC Media Player, an all-in-one video tool, that has another trick hidden. It can record your screen without any additional software. Here's how it works.

How to Record Your Screen Using VLC

1. Open VLC Media Player by searching for it in the Start Menu.

2. Click the “Media” tab on the toolbar and select Convert/Save.

3. Switch to the Capture Device tab. Here, change the Capture mode dropdown box to Desktop.

4. Set the number of frames per second in the Desired frame rate box. For basic screen recording, 15FPS should work fine. If you need high-quality footage, try 30FPS. Higher frame rates mean smoother recording but larger file sizes.

5. Click the Convert/Save button to open the next dialog box.

6. Select Browse next to the Destination file box and select where to save the recording.

7. Click Start when you have done that to start recording. VLC will record everything on the screen, with no indication that it is doing so.

8. To stop the recording, click the Stop button on the VLC interface and it will automatically save the file. You'll find it waiting in MP4 format at the location you specified earlier.

That's all it takes to record your screen quickly. VLC doesn't offer advanced features like a dedicated recorder, but it's easy to use in a pinch.

Now you can share what's on your screen at any time, no more using your phone's camera!