Black Lives Matter Action In France Is More Peaceful After The State Agrees To Police Reform

JAKARTA - The "Black Lives Matter" solidarity action is still taking place in various parts of the world. Today, something interesting was seen from the action in France. Protesters are calmer. Their action was more peaceful after the state declared to immediately reform the police institution.

Previously, Prime Minister Eduouard Philippe admitted that his government often failed to fulfill the principles of freedom, equality and brotherhood. Philippe's remarks had an impact on the demonstrators.

Moreover, the French Interior Ministry also promised to reform the police institution. Not just a promise. They also detailed what steps would be taken as a form of reform.

The government says a key step is to eliminate risky neck harnesses. This restraint procedure was quickly removed from the curricula of police schools in France.

In addition, each policeman on duty will be equipped with a body camera. This procedure is carried out in order to increase the sense of security and public trust in the police, in addition to controlling police behavior in the field as well, of course.

Reported by Reuters, in the action, the protesters can be seen lowering their heads while raising fists in a sign of respect, sorrow, as well as resistance to racism and police brutality.

“We are here to fight police violence, against all the racism that has been going on for generations. We can't go on like this. It must be punished, ”said one protester, Kathleen Mergirie.

Other things are still the same. Protesters still carried banners and posters reading: Stop police violence or stop racism. A number of demonstrators also carried posters reading "I can't breathe."

This peaceful demonstration was seen in a number of cities, such as Paris and Nantes. The French government has so far still expressed support for the solidarity actions carried out by its citizens.