MUI Proposal: Loosen PPKM And Tighten Prokes

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has asked the government to relax the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM), with a note that health protocols are tightened. This was stated by the General Chair of the MUI KH. Miftachul Akhyar, while attending an invitation to the virtual dialogue of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, Tuesday, July 27 evening. "There needs to be an observation, the determination of PPKM is not 'happy'. so that the implementation of PPKM is certainly different," said MUI General Chair KH. Miftachul Akhyar in his press release, in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 28. According to him, if the implementation of PPKM "is not rushed" it is likely to be a solution in providing a sense of comfort and minimizing the turmoil that occurs in the community. What happens in the community feels that worship is limited, even though they feel they are in the green zone and they are ready to implement health protocols. What is prohibited is the crowd, so what is the definition or limitation of this crowd? This also needs an explanation," added Kiai Miftachul. Head of the MUI Fatwa Division, KH Cholil Nafis, said that health protocols could be strengthened further, but PPKM could be relaxed or the area reduced. "I want to emphasize, what if the process is strengthened. This PPKM wants to create community discipline, including the transmission. can be reduced again, meaning only in certain areas," he said. To MUI, Mahfud MD emphasized that the government had Therefore, he continued, the government needs criticism and input from various parties, including the central MUI. "The government has explained the programs in the mass media, now waiting for criticism accompanied by suggestions, what to do. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, who was accompanied by the Coordinating Minister, several deputies and special staff, emphasized that all inputs and proposals from various parties, including the MUI, would be taken into consideration by the government in making decisions and steps. -strategic steps in dealing with COVID-19 in the future. "Earlier there was a proposal for PPKM to be relaxed, earlier there were complaints that the guardians of students were now screaming. Gus Kholil had also suggested that the procedure be tightened. Okay, we will evaluate it as input," added Mahfud in response to input and suggestions from MUI leaders.