Rules For 20 Minutes Of Meal Duration At PPKM Level 4, Deputy Governor Riza Patria: The Goal Is To Eat, Not Relax

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria asked the public to follow PPKM Level 4 rules, where eating activities in stalls are limited to a maximum of 20 minutes.

Riza said this policy was taken with the intention of ensuring that people do not linger in food stalls so as not to cause transmission of COVID-19.

"Especially when you eat, you take off your mask, droplets occur, so this policy was taken. If we eat, the purpose is to eat, not to relax, not to chat, let alone relax.

If there are people who feel they can't eat for less than 20 minutes, Riza suggests that they take their food home.

"If you can, eat take away, order delivery at their respective homes. If you have to eat at a restaurant, it won't take long," said Riza.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan also admitted that he could eat in under 20 minutes. Because, he looked at the time to eat is usually not too long. The thing that takes time is chatting after eating.

Therefore, Anies explained that the government's regulation of eating in stalls for a maximum of 20 minutes is an effort to prevent transmission. Because, Anies said it was impossible for people to still wear masks while eating.

"The point is, eat moderately, don't hang out, then go home. For me it's not about 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, but about as little interaction as possible that has the potential for transmission," said Anies.

It is known, the rules related to the time limit are contained in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 24 of 2021 concerning PPKM Level 4 and Level 3 COVID-19 in Java-Bali Island.

One of the provisions in the regulation states that the implementation of eating/drinking activities in public places such as food stalls or warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls and the like are allowed to open with strict health protocols until 20.00 local time. A maximum of three diners eat at the venue and a maximum meal time of 20 minutes.