KASAD Andika Receives MI-17 Helicopter Accident Report, One Person Experience Burns 60 Percent

JAKARTA - The Chief of Staff of the Army (KASAD) General Andika Perkasa received a report from his members who were victims of the MI-17 helicopter crash in the Kendal Industrial Area, Central Java. In the report, one of its members suffered severe burns.

From the report of the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital representative who monitored the condition of the victims at the dr. Kariadi and Bhakti Wira Tamtama Hospital, dr. Budiman said Praka Supriyono had burns almost 60 percent of his body.

The burns, said Budiman, can cause damage to skin tissue and lead to possible dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and other organs.

"With 60 percent very heavy burns, hopefully with careful handling we will succeed in helping this patient pass through his critical period," said Budiman as quoted on the website of the Indonesian Army, Wednesday, June 10.

Lettu Cpn Vira Yudha, he continued, had burns about 23 percent on the surface of his skin. In addition, Vira also suffered severe head injuries. However, he is currently conscious and able to communicate.

In addition, Vira's kidney condition has also decreased, so an evaluation will be carried out with dialysis and a CT scan.

"This patient is still in critical condition until we find the cause of his decreased kidney function," he explained.

Furthermore, it is planned that the two patients will be evacuated by helicopter if their condition improves in the next five days. The helicopter used will later be equipped with a ventilator to help treat the two patients.

In addition to reports from representatives of the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, KASAD Andika also received reports from the Puspenerbad Commander, Maj. Gen. Teguh Pudjo Rumekso. One of the soldiers who survived the accident, Praka Andi is currently in good condition.

"Praka Andi evacuated three people when the accident occurred. His condition has improved. After X-rays were carried out, nothing happened to his leg. He also told me what happened," Teguh said.

Based on the information obtained from Andi, Teguh denied that any TNI soldiers jumped from the helicopter as previously reported. He said that Praka Andi was able to help his friend by feeling in the dark after the helicopter crashed. After that, Praka Andi evacuated his friends.

Responding to the report, Andika then ordered that all further developments from the accident be submitted. Including, the possibility of evacuating the two victims by helicopter.

"Report on developments including the possibility of evacuation by helicopter. The commander of the Puspenerbad is also at the teleconference so that they can prepare what is needed. Although both are still critical, we continue to hope and try our best as hard as possible," he said.

Previously, a helicopter belonging to the Indonesian Army crashed in an industrial area in Kendal Regency, Central Java. It is known that the helicopter with the HA 5141 registration number shook before it crashed.

Head of the Indonesian Army Information Service, Brigadier General Nefra Firdaus, the MI-17 V5 helicopter carried eight people, including a pilot on a training flight mission. However, when it was over Kendal waters, the helicopter seemed to lose control until it finally fell and caught fire in the Kendal Industrial Zone area.

"After falling, this MI-17 helicopter caught fire and caused four crew members to die, while five others were injured," he said, through an official statement received by VOI, in Jakarta, Saturday, June 6.

The incident, the training helicopter belonging to the Indonesian Army, took place at 12.35 WIB. At that time the pilot and the passengers in it were carrying out a flight training mission at the Army Aviation Education Center, Semarang, Central Java as part of the Aviation Officer 1 Candidate Education program.

Nefra emphasized that the helicopter was declared in good condition before flying, because during the Pre-flight Check there were no outstanding things. In addition, the first endurance flight training mission, before the 2nd mission, also proceeded safely.

"It is still an investigation process," explained Nefra regarding the cause of the downing of the helicopter belonging to the Indonesian Army.