Recognizing The Characteristics Of Agoraphobia, Excessive Anxiety When Being In The Open

JAKARTA - Agoraphobia is a phobia or extreme fear of being outdoors. People who experience agoraphobia feel themselves very tormented when they are outdoors.

The initial goal of 'hiding' from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and finding inner peace can actually help you to raise the level of energy that has been depleted.

Taking a distance from the outside world shows a high level of confidence because you no longer feel the need to prove yourself or compare yourself with the achievements of others.

But if you're doing it out of insecurity or worry about socializing and showing yourself in front of other people, this certainly needs extra attention. According to psychologist Ajeng Raviando, as quoted from the Cleo page, Wednesday, July 28, there are several unhealthy symptoms that indicate a person is starting to 'infect' the agoraphobia syndrome. Some of them are:

Excessive anxiety that causes discomfort

When there are important things that require going out of the house that has been a safe and comfortable place for you, uncomfortable feelings begin to emerge even just thinking about it.

Irrational fear with no apparent cause

When you're in public, you become more sensitive and aware of what's going on around you and relate it to what's happening to you.

Tense when you have to come to a new place

You are often reluctant to go to places you have never been to before, such as feeling uncomfortable because you are not familiar with the new place.

Panic when you have to meet other people

Panic, which is usually followed by bodily reactions such as cold sweat, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath arises because you have a fear of being questioned by others about you. For example, about your career or where your partner is when you go alone.