The Decree For The Leadership Of The AHY Democratic Party Was Questioned
JAKARTA - A number of senior Democrat Party politicians have questioned the Decree (SK) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding the management of the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).
The group echoed by the Acting Chairman of the Communication Forum for Founders and Declarators (FKPD) of the Democratic Party, Subur Sembiring, considers the decree for the management of the Democratic Party to be hidden. They met with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan and the Menkum HAM Yassona Laoly to question the truth of the detention of the decree.
"At the time of the Congress, there was no document draft decision which became the Congressional decision which was read out in the session and signed by the chairperson of the session, a formal document. That means it (the Congress) is false," Subur said when confirmed, Wednesday, June 10.
Subur also questioned the legality of the AHY Management Decree. Because, when he got a copy of the SK from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the SK did not have a bar code (barcode).
"The letterhead does not have a barcode. The Menkumham does not know. But, his subordinates issued the file. Yesterday, I asked why there was no barcode. That Director General was pale. As if it means this Director General, in quotation marks, is an indication of playing," he said. Fertile.
From all these allegations, Subur will challenge the AHY management decree to the State Administrative Court (PTUN). Subur considered that the decree violated Article 13 Paragraph (3) of the Regulation of the Menkumham Number 34 of 2017.
"At the latest on Friday (June 12) (the lawsuit) has been filed because the limit is 7 days after obtaining evidence. Yesterday we got (a copy of the SK). So, today the preparation process is to make a power of attorney to lawyers," explained Subur.
Comments from the Democrat Party boardDemocrat Deputy Secretary General Jansen Sitindaon. Jansen wondered why Subur took issue with AHY's management decree. This is because the decree was passed last month. On May 18, the board of the Democratic DPP for the 2020-2025 period was officially endorsed by Menkumham Yasonna Laoly with Number M.HH-10.AH.11.01 Year 2020.
"It's strange if now there are those who question it. Moreover, the one who is questioning this is not the Chairman of the DPC or the DPD as the majority vote owner in the Party. Everyone is busy helping the people against Corona, this is even questioning nonsense," said Jansen.
"If the goal is only to see the SK, instead of Bang Subur being tired from going to Kumham, the cost of taking a taxi, sweating, should just come to the DPP Democrat office," added Jansen.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Democratic Founders and Declarator Communication Forum (FKPD) Akbar Yahya Yogerasi felt that Fertile's maneuvers were a concern over the position held as Acting Chairman of the Democratic FKPD.
Subur assumed this position because FKPD Chairman Ventje Rumangkang passed away a few months ago. Until now, Akbar said, the PD FKPD had not held a Congress or an Extraordinary Congress to appoint anyone as its General Chair.
"Of all the activities that have been done by Subur Sembiring, of course this is not true on behalf of the PD FKPD because the FKPD consists of the Advisory Board, Advisory Board, Advisory Board, Honorary Council, and Daily Management, meaning of course Mr. Subur Sembiring is not alone," he said. Akbar.