Examined By KPK, West Bandung Acting Regent Hengky Kurniawan Admits Not To Be Involved In The COVID-19 Task Force

JAKARTA - Acting Regent of West Bandung Hengky Kurniawan admitted that he was not involved in the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in West Bandung Regency, West Java in 2020.

This was conveyed by Hengky Kurniawan after being examined by the KPK as a witness for the inactive West Bandung Regent suspect Aa Umbara Sutisna (AUS) in the investigation into the alleged corruption case in the procurement of emergency goods for the COVID-19 pandemic at the West Bandung Social Service in 2020.

"Today when asked for information, there are many questions, I forgot about how the division of tasks while in government with the Regent (Aa Umbara Sutisna) answered normatively. Then whether I was involved in the COVID-19 Task Force in West Bandung in 2020, I said I not involved. It is more about how the division of tasks in the government is concerned," said Hengky Kurniawan after being questioned, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

Hengky currently serves as the Acting Regent of West Bandung after Aa Umbara was named a suspect and detained in connection with the case.

In addition, Hengky admitted that he did not know anything about the meetings between Aa Umbara, Andri Wibawa from the private sector/child of Aa Umbara, and M Totoh Gunawan (MTG) as the owner of PT Jagat Dirgantara (JDG) and CV Sentral Vegetable Garden City Lembang ( SSGCL) related to the procurement of emergency response items.

However, Hengky admitted that he knew Totoh, who was also one of the suspects in the case.

"I don't know about the meeting, but I know Pak Totoh," he said.

Besides Totoh, he also admitted that he knew Andri, who had also been named a suspect.

"I know Pak Umbara's son, but because of the many names, sometimes I forget which one," said Hengky.

In the construction of the case mentioned in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the West Bandung Regency Government budgeted a number of funds for the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by refocusing the 2020 APBD budget on Unexpected Expenditures (BTT).

Using the flags of CV Jayakusuma Cipta Mandiri (JCM) and CV Satria Jakatamilung (SJ), Andri received a work package with a total value of Rp. 36 billion for the procurement of food packages for the Social Safety Net Social Assistance (Bansos JPS).

Meanwhile, M Totoh, using PT JDG and CV SSGCL, received a work package with a total value of Rp. 15.8 billion for the procurement of food for the JPS Social Assistance and Social Assistance related to Large-Scale Social Restrictions (Bansos PSBB).

From these procurement activities, Aa Umbara is alleged to have received around Rp. 1 billion in money, the source of which was set aside by M Totoh from the price per food package with Aa Umbara's picture sticker attached to it to be distributed to the people of West Bandung Regency.

Meanwhile, M Totoh is suspected of having received a profit of around Rp. 2 billion and Andri is also suspected of receiving a profit of around Rp. 2.7 billion.

In addition, Aa Umbara is also suspected of receiving gratuities from various offices in the West Bandung Regency Government and private parties working on various projects in West Bandung Regency amounting to around Rp. 1 billion and this fact is still being investigated by the KPK investigator team.