BOR Of COVID-19 Patients In Medan Approaches 70 Percent, Bobby Nasution: This Is Very Crucial
MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said the bed occupancy rate (BOR) or the occupancy of referral beds for COVID-19 patients in hospitals in Medan is approaching 70 percent of the available capacity.
"As of today, our BOR for isolation is 69 percent, and ICU is 69 percent. This is a very high number, because it is close to 70 percent," explained Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.
The Mayor of Medan admitted that there was an increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the North Sumatran capital, compared to last month at 36 to 38 percent.
The Medan City COVID-19 Task Force report today stated that there were 25,874 confirmed cases of COVID-19, consisting of 19,753 recovered, 5,455 were treated and 666 died.
In Medan, there are 43 referral hospitals for COVID-19 patients, both government and private, with a total availability of 8,292 beds.
"This is a very crucial number. We have to look at everything, besides the BOR and the 'positivity rate'. When positive, if the symptoms are moderate to severe, he will occupy the COVID-19 bed," said Bobby.
President Jokowi's son-in-law said that the positivity rate or the ratio of cases of residents exposed to the corona virus in Medan City currently tends to decrease and is stable.
"Yesterday it was 28 percent, up to 30 percent, down to 28, up again to 30 and today 31 percent. Why is the BOR high, the positivity rate is stagnant? Because our recovery rate has dropped drastically from 90.01 percent, now it's only 78 percent, " said Bobby.