Jokowi Reminds Local Governments Not To Adopt A New Normal Phase
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded local governments not to arbitrarily implement a new normal phase. There are several things that must be considered, including determining the right time to implement this phase.
"Determining the timing of the timing is very important. The calculations must be precise, the calculations are calculated," said Jokowi while visiting the Task Force headquarters at the BNPB Office, East Jakarta, Wednesday, June 10.
The former governor of DKI Jakarta has ordered that regional heads who will implement the new normal phase must first discuss it with the Task Force. Moreover, currently there are a number of areas where the level of transmission is still fluctuating, making it vulnerable if the new norm is to be enforced.
Jokowi asked local governments to pay attention to epidemiological data. Especially the Rt (effective reproductive number) or transmission rate and R0 or basic reproductive number, as well as the level of community compliance in each area.
"Pay attention to the level of community compliance. Make sure the management in the area is ready or not to implement it. Then calculate the regional readiness in massive testing, aggressive tracking, and the readiness of existing facilities must be calculated," he said.
Preconditions before the implementation of the new normal phase need to be doneThe President also reminded that in the new normal phase there needs to be strict preconditions. One of them is by carrying out massive outreach to the public regarding health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
"How to use masks, keep your distance, wash your hands, don't get into a crowd that is too dense," he explained.
Then, the local government must determine priorities in opening the economic sector. This is because not all sectors are opened immediately but done gradually.
Consolidation between the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkompida) and all elements of society, he continued, needed to be done. Thus, the regions are fully prepared to implement a new phase of normalcy in their midst.
If all of these stages have been carried out, the local government is required to conduct routine evaluations. This is because Jokowi does not want any areas to be caught off guard because this virus is moving dynamically.
"I need to remind you that if a new case is found in its development, we will immediately tighten it or close it again," he said.
"We must be optimistic that we can control the challenges we face well in the hope that they can be resolved in the shortest possible time so that we can return to our activities," Jokowi concluded.