Budget Refocusing For COVID-19, Jambi Provincial Government Prepares IDR 1.5 Billion Aid For MSMEs

JAMBI - The Jambi Provincial Government provided funds amounting to IDR 1.5 billion from the revised APBD to provide assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Jambi Province.

"From the Jambi Province COVID-19 refocusing fund, around Rp. 1.5 billion has been allocated for assistance to MSMEs in Jambi Province that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Head of the Jambi Province Cooperatives and SMEs Office Hamdan in Jambi, Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

In 2021, the Jambi Provincial Government will refocus the changes in the APBD budget for handling COVID-19 as much as Rp500 billion. From these funds, funds for national economic recovery (PEN) were also allocated.

One of them is assistance for MSME actors spread across eleven regencies and cities in Jambi Province.

There are around 220 MSMEs spread across eleven regencies and cities that receive assistance from the Jambi Provincial Government. The assistance provided was not in the form of cash, but facilities and infrastructure for businesses.

Jambi Governor Al Haris said the assistance for MSMEs was equipment for businesses, namely carts, gas stoves and blenders. The assistance provided aims to encourage MSMEs to increase their business.

So that the assistance provided is not used for consumptive purposes, but encourages MSME actors to be more productive. So the wheels of the economy continue.

"We hope that MSME actors who get this assistance are more productive, it is important to pay attention to household matters so that the wheels of the economy continue to spin," said Al Haris.

The distribution of assistance for MSMEs will be handed over through the district and city governments. The Jambi Provincial Government carries out supervision through representatives in each region.

And the MSME actors who get the assistance are MSME actors who are registered and have been recorded by the Cooperatives and SMEs Office in each district and city.