Add One More Person Exposed To COVID-19 Delta Variant In North Sumatra, Now Isolated At Bunda Thamrin Hospital Medan

MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi stated that the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus was detected in Medan City based on the results of an examination conducted by the Health Service.

"An additional person was isolated yesterday at Bunda Thamrin Hospital," said Gubsu Edy during a coordination meeting to handle the spike in COVID-19 cases and the implementation of micro PPKM level 4 and Level 3 districts/cities in Medan, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

Governor Edy confirmed that there was no transmission of the Delta variant of COVID-19 from that one case. However, his party in collaboration with the University of North Sumatra (USU) will continue to carry out testing to prevent the spread of new variants of the virus.

"Meanwhile, the experts don't exist, because they are isolated and have recovered one month ago," he said.

Governor Edy said that previously the Delta variant of COVID-19 was found from 18 crew members of the SV Miclyn ship that docked in Belawan, North Sumatra.

He confirmed that the 18 people had now been declared cured and the ship had also returned to sailing.

"There is already a Delta variant of 18 people plus one person in North Sumatra. I hope it doesn't spread to other people, because the transmission speed is 7 to 8 times that of other variants," said Governor Edy.