Traffic On Jasa Marga Toll Road Drops 40 Percent During Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - In the context of the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for the 3-20 July period, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk continues to carry out operations by prioritizing Minimum Service Standards (SPM) which implement health protocols in services.

The application is carried out for Jasa Marga Group toll road users, both transaction services at the Toll Gate (GT), traffic services, construction services, both project work on toll roads and efforts to repair toll road pavements to services at rest areas.

Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru said, during the Emergency PPKM period, community mobility during this Emergency PPKM period decreased, and so did the activity on Jasa Marga Group's toll roads.

"With the decrease in traffic in almost all Jasa Marga Group Toll Road sections in the context of the Java-Bali Emergency PPKM for the period 3-20 July 2021, we assess that this Government policy is very effective in suppressing community mobility, including traveling by land using toll roads. ," said Heru, in a written statement, Tuesday, July 27.

As long as the Emergency PPKM is in effect for eighteen days (3-20 July 2021), Jasa Marga recorded a decrease in the volume of vehicles passing on Jasa Marga Group toll roads when compared to the normal daily average traffic (LHR).

Jasa Marga recorded a downward trend in cumulative traffic in a number of Main GTs (barriers) bordering the Jabotabek area, namely from GT Cikampek Utama Toll Road Jakarta Cikampek (Eastern access), GT Cikupa Exit Toll Road Jakarta-Merak (West access) and GT Ciawi 2 Jagorawi Toll Road (South access), with the following details:

Heru also appealed to road users to continue to support the implementation of PPKM which will last until early August 2021 by staying at home, avoiding public spaces and crowds, implementing a clean lifestyle and continuing to tighten health protocols if you have to leave the house for urgent needs, in order to suppress the spread of the virus. COVID-19.

"In addition, we also urge you to anticipate trips before entering the toll road. Make sure the vehicles and drivers are in top condition, comply with health protocols (using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance and staying away from crowds) while at rest areas, refilling fuel and balances. sufficient electronic money, as well as obeying the signs and directions of officers and resting if you are tired of driving," explained Heru.