Kabaharkam Instructs Staff To Help Supervise Business Operating Hours

JAKARTA - The Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam) Komjen Arief Sulistyanto instructed the National Police to help oversee the operational hours of business places and traditional markets according to PPKM Level 4.

"Coordinate with the regional government and the Market Service. Reduce the number of traders in the market, then make or propose expansion locations outside the market to parking arrangements," Arief said in a video conference (vicon) related to handling the COVID-19 pandemic with all staff at the Rupatama Headquarters building. Police, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 26.

In the vicon, Komjen Arief who is also the Head of Operations (Kaops) of Advanced Safe Nusa II, emphasized several directives from President Joko Widodo during the implementation of PPKM Level 4 with several adjustments.

"Intensify the results of Operation Safe Nusa II, carry out consistently, proactively and coordinatively," said Arif asserted.

He explained that President Joko Widodo's directives that had to be properly translated by members of the police in the field included operational arrangements for traditional markets, street vendors and food stalls.

"Regarding this, we need to really control the opening hours and enforce the health protocol," said Arief.

Then, continued Arief, during the implementation of PPKM Level 4, the Police played a role in reducing the burden on the community through the distribution of social assistance in the form of basic food packages that had to be guarded so that they were right on target.

President Jokowi, said Arief, emphasized that police officers should map areas with high mortality rates, monitor hospital capacity building, centralized isolation and increase oxygen availability.

To ensure all of this, Arief asked the ranks to coordinate with the regional leadership coordination forum (forkompimda) in the implementation of the Advanced Nusa II Safe Operation.

"The National Police must dynamically synergize all components. And no less important is the health and safety of personnel," said Arief.

The next directive, Arief emphasized an important aspect in reducing the positive number of COVID-19, namely public compliance with health protocols.

Police officers are asked to increase public compliance by conducting massive socialization and education, either directly with patrol cars or through social media.

"It is carried out at the smallest level of the community, prokes enforcement is carried out in a humane way, avoiding arrogant methods," said Arief as well.

Another important directive, said Arief, regarding the implementation of "tracing", "testing", and "treatment" or 3T, Polri personnel is to intensify at the Micro PPKM level to coordinate with the four pillars (babinsa, bhabinkamtibmas, local government officials and health workers).

Then assist the "tracer" staff to carry out "tracing", as well as carry out socialization or education on the process and ensure the availability of testing tools (antigen/PCR).

The National Police, said Arief, deployed tracers in 34 regional police stations totaling 61,217 tracers, which were divided into 58,929 tracers in the field, and 2,288 tracers in the digital space.

At the end of his directive, Arief emphasized that the acceleration of vaccination should be elaborated, so that the target of "herd immunity" or the community's communal immunity is immediately achieved.

"The implementation of vaccination is also a concern, for that personnel pay attention and ensure the number of residents who have been vaccinated," said Arief.