Google Updates 'About Search Results' Feature, Gives More Specific Reasons For Each Search

JAKARTA - Last February, Google added the About Search Results feature on its search engine platform. Through this feature, users can find out the reason behind the search results presented on search engines.

The company hopes, this feature can help to produce information that users want. The reason is, it is not uncommon for users to often find search results that are not what they want. You must have faced this, right?

In order to improve the user experience when surfing through its search engine, Google updated the About Search Results feature. The company added some interesting information.

One of them is the context of information related to how and why the Google algorithm prefers certain web pages to be selected and appear on search results pages. Through the addition of this feature, users can better understand the reasons behind each web page that is presented based on searches with certain keywords.

To Improve User Experience

The Internet provides a huge amount of information. So, it is difficult for you to get the information you want without the help of certain tools.

Google's search engine system is designed for just that. To sort and select then present the most appropriate information based on billions of information from web pages produced every day.

The way Google determines relevant and trustworthy information based on certain keywords involves many factors. At first glance, it looks complex. However, some of the basic concepts are actually simple – and can be useful for users to better understand how search engines work.

Therefore, by adding information to 'About Search Results', Google invites users to better understand the reasons behind search results. And there is some new information that will appear on this feature. Among others;

Keywords: The most important and simple factor that Google uses to determine the relevance of an information when the web page contains the keywords being searched for. Related Terms: Google also considers terms that are judged to be related to the keywords typed. If you search for “How to grill fish in the oven”, then Google will also show sites that may be related such as 'recipe' and 'grill'. By URL: When a page contains a link inserted in a keyword and matches the keyword the user typed in, the page may be relevant to the search. Local relevance: The Google system also takes into account factors such as the language used to perform the search. Also location and country to produce search results that are relevant and according to the wishes of the user.