Knowing Who Jokowi Is

JAKARTA - Ir. H. Joko Widodo is the 7th elected president who has served since 2014. He continues his second term as president after winning the 2019 presidential election yesterday. Jokowi is the first president who is not from the political or military elite. His business career began as a woodcraft entrepreneur who then went into politics in 2005. Jokowi served as mayor of Solo for 7 years and was Governor of DKI Jakarta for 2 years.

Under Jokowi's leadership in his first term of office (2014-2019), Indonesia put a lot of emphasis on infrastructure development. It will continue in the second period with the aim of developing the aspect of human resources until 2024.

In the first term of his assignment, Jokowi succeeded in reducing the Gini ratio (the level of inequality in expenditure of the Indonesian population), from 0.391 in September 2017 to 0.389 in March 2018.

In the first three years of his tenure since 2014, Jokowi has formed 9 new official state bodies, including: the Maritime Security Agency, the Presidential Staff Office, the Peat Restoration Agency, the KEIN National Economic and Industry Committee (KEIN), the Saber Pubgli Task Force, the Improvement Agency. Implementation of the Drinking Water Supply System, the National Sharia Finance Committee, UKP-PIP of the Presidential Work Unit for Pancasila Ideology Development (UKP-PIP), and the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

Who is Jokowi really

Born as an only son, Jokowi is the eldest of his three sisters. His father, Noto Mihardjo, was a simple man who made a living as a wood craftsman. While her mother, Sujiatmi Noto Mihardjo is an ordinary housewife. Noto Mihardjo's family life is full of simplicity. They live in a small house on the riverbank.

Since childhood, Jokowi was educated to be skilled, so that when most young children should be busy playing, Jokowi is used to making money by working at the age of 12. With the skills that his father passed on, little Jokowi helped the family business, and did not hesitate to sell sawing wood. Jokowi attended SD 111 Tirtoyoso, then continued at SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta and SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta, in Central Java. He successfully graduated from college in 1985 through the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

Just graduated from college means a different life path, increased responsibilities. However, his love for Iriana was unstoppable, he felt that he was able to become a man who could lead and accompany Iriana, Jokowi dared to propose to him. With a wedding ring worth 24 thousand rupiah in his day, on December 24, 1986 Jokowi officially married Iriana. The fruit of marriage which gave birth to three children; two men and one woman, namely Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, and Kaesang Pangarep. Jokowi's intention to improve his fate for the sake of his family, forced him to go to remote parts of western Indonesia. Trying to work as an employee of a state-owned company, PT. Kraft Aceh in the Gayo area, West Aceh. Located at the foot of a mountain, he still can't enjoy his status as a BUMN employee, he feels uncomfortable in himself, especially being far from Iriana. Not waiting long, he decided to return to his hometown.

When Jokowi arrived in Solo, with a fluttering feeling he was present to accompany Iriana, who was 7 months pregnant, while helping her uncle's business. Arriving in 1988, the presence of the first child, named Gibran Rakabuming Raka, strengthened Jokowi's enthusiasm to start his own business through the PT. Rakabu, a timber industry export company headquartered in Solo, Central Java. Feeling the ups and downs of the business world, to feeling how cheated by business partners, had once reduced his financial condition. It was only in 1990 that capital assistance from his mother revived his business spirit.

Through this business, Jokowi's nickname is attached to Iriana's husband. Finding it difficult to pronounce the name of Joko Widodo, a customer who is also Jokowi's business partner who lives in Germany, Micl Romaknan, trimmed Joko Widodo's name to 'Jokowi', just easy to say. Diligence accompanied by honesty in doing business made it easier for his business to penetrate the world of exports.

The beginning of 2020 was the toughest trial of Jokowi's personal life, in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, on March 25, 2020, Sudjiatmi Notomihardjo's mother left her eldest and younger sisters. Jokowi's mother has never wanted to be exposed in her life to the public, even though her child is the number one person in this country. Sudjiatmi died at the age of 77 in Solo, Central Java.

In less than ten years of his political career, Jokowi has managed to reach the top as the number one person in Indonesia.

Jokowi's foray into politics took place for the first time in 2015. Considering 18 years of doing business, Jokowi tried his luck by accepting PDI-P and PKB proposals in the 2005 Solo Pilkada. Paired with FX Hadi Rudyatmo, this political experience for the first time had a sweet result.

Jokowi's character, who is actually proud of his rustic village pieces, then how to communicate with the lower class when he needs two-sided information, does not only make Solo more humane than before, but manages to embody the image of Solo as the Spirit of Java.

Rejuvenation is accompanied by urban spatial planning, without imposing the relocation of traditional traders with unilateral repression, Jokowi is proven to have stolen the hearts of the Solo public by dominating 90 percent of the winning votes during the second period of the next Solo mayoral election. It also beautifies the presence of the city of Solo as a reference and venue for the international scale Meeting Incentive Convetion Exhibition.

Stepping towards the Capital City

It was felt that he was enough to take care of his hometown, where he was trusted to step into the capital, through the 2012 DKI Jakarta Regional Elections , Jokowi-Basuki.

Competing with 6 pairs of other Cagub-Cawagub candidates, capitalizing on the support of two parties with the slogan "New Jakarta", the Jokowi-Basuki duet moved full of surprises. How in the first round they managed to beat the votes of the incumbent Fauzi 'Foke' Bowo-Nachrowi Ramli who was supported by 7 major parties.

The second round in September 2012 became a decision, the result was similar to last July, Jokowi-Basuki finally won the 2012 DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election with 53.82% of votes, equivalent to 2,472,130 votes. Foke's leadership baton changed control to Jokowi, who was only in second place with 46.18% of the votes, or 2,120,815 voters.

The breakthrough during the campaign period that targeted the younger generation, who wanted change to be seen, the guerrilla campaign team on social media popularized the figures of Jokowi and Ahok, both of whom were not born in the capital, with visual spices wrapped in a pair of checkered shirts, being the key to the pair's victory. Jokowi-Basuki.

What Jokowi had done during his two years as Governor of DKI Jakarta included:

Popularizing the Jakarta Health Card for health, and Jakarta Pintar for education for citizens of Jakarta. Opening City Hall access as a warm and open place for the public often wants to voice opinions and communicate with the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Tidy up the bureaucratic ranks of DKI Pemprov's civil servants from the elements of nepotism and slow public services. As well as opening a position auction to create a competitive atmosphere among the internal bureaucracy. The culture of sudden inspection (sidak) has become shock therapy in the DKI Jakarta provincial government.

Inevitably, there were minor notes that hoped he would be able to do more if he spent the remaining term of office without stepping into the 2014 presidential election. In the promised program notes, Jokowi had recorded about 30 programs that had not been realized and then transferred to Basuki 'Ahok. 'Tjahaja Purnama, who automatically took the role of replacing Jokowi.

Jokowi the RI-1

Dealing with someone who brought him from Solo to Jakarta in the 2012 DKI Regional Election is a dilemma. But this is the political world, once friends, it is very easy to turn into opponents. Not to mention the feeling of betrayal after the Batu Tulis agreement at that time was denied by Megawati and her PDI-P party. Jokowi who was accompanied by Jusuf Kalla had to face Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Radjasa on the opposite side.

With 70,997,833 votes, or 53.15 percent of the votes, the Jokowi-JK pair won over Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Radjasa's pair.

What achievements Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla achieved in their inaugural season as RI-1, include:

Disbanded Petral, a subsidiary of Pertamina which was considered by many to be detrimental to the state. Dismissing Petral in 2015 is estimated to save the state budget of 250 billion per day. Acquired Freeport shares with a dominance of 51% at the end of 2018 through the holding company PT. Inalum. Negotiations over the previous 3.5 years finally bore fruit. Increasing village funds, by pouring 187 trillion funds to remote villages in Indonesia. With the construction of 191,000 kilometers of roads in the village. The birth of the concept of Integrated One Stop Services (PSPT) in early 2015. Increase salaries for civil servants and retirees. Followed by the salaries of the TNI, Polri and Bintara. Airport infrastructure development, within 3 years 15 airports have been built. Construction of 9 toll roads in 2017. Construction of new roads along 2,632 km in 3 years.

In his first season in office, it seems that the infrastructure sector is a priority for the Jokowi-JK administration. This was followed by the election of Jokowi in the second term which he completed with the concept of the role of human resources.

In mid-2019, Jokowi again declared that he would go back to defend his seat. Again meeting Prabowo Subianto who is side by side with Sandiaga Uno, Jokowi for the second time surpassed Prabowo Subianto. By relying on the nationalist-religious concept, Jokowi was accompanied by KH Ma'ruf Amin, an elderly cleric figure who is also chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The atmosphere of the 2019 presidential election is more boiling than before, through the polarization of identity politics, the two supporters arguing with each other not only in cyberspace but in the real world.

Various issues related to ad hominem, lopsided accusations accompanied by dissatisfaction with the performance of the previous period, pushed through the hashtag # 2019GantiPresiden, also sharpened through communist issues and Jokowi's past life. The fierce struggle for opinion and influence within the Islamic ummah through the statements of prominent figures, is like a nuclear warhead that is only one touch away from friction, so horizontal chaos is bound to occur.

Sure enough, the dissatisfaction of the opposition regarding the vote count results was accused of many irregularities, sacrificing the lives of the civilian public when chaotic demonstrations took place in front of Bawaslu, Central Jakarta, May 22, 2019.

Twice against the same opponent, Jokowi was also sued twice on allegations of fraudulent vote counting by the opposing party. Although the second accusation in the 2019 presidential election continued at the Constitutional Court table, the opponent's lawsuit was rejected and Jokowi still won the position.

After being inaugurated the second time Jokowi continues his duties, there are several things that may be quite important in his career:

The election for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet 2019-2024 no longer involves the role of the KPK and PPATK in investigating the appointed ministerial candidates. It is different from the treatment when the Indonesian Cabinet I worked in 2014, which put the KPK and PPATK in it. More Deputy Ministerial staff appointments occurred in the Forward Indonesia Cabinet for the 2019-2024 period, than in the previous period. The polemic of the Indonesia Pre-Work Card project in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic of 5 trillion rupiah immediately lowered Jokowi's popularity in the eyes of the netizen public. Moreover, the involvement of Adriamas Belva, owner of the technology startup RuangGuru, has been officially registered as a partner of the government in the process of implementing the Pre-Work program. The appointment of special millennial staff who assist Jokowi often makes blunders that destroy the atmosphere and image of the central government through uncoordinated actions accompanied by easy oversight of state protocol.

For his achievements in his first term in office, Jokowi was awarded the 2019 Asian of The Year award by the prestigious Singapore media, The Straits Times. He became the 8th person ever to accept, thanks to his role in ASEAN geopolitics with Indonesia's active involvement in international politics.

Jokowi's interesting facts

Mulyono is Jokowi. Not many people know that the name Mulyono is Jokowi's first name in the past. Generally, among Javanese families, giving a small name is commonplace.

From a young age, he used to work. At the age of 12, little Jokowi worked as a sawmill. The skills he learned from his father, who was known as a skilled wood craftsman, Noto Mihardjo.

He has never tasted defeat. Jokowi can be said to have had enormous luck, during the five political contestations he had progressed in the regional election or the presidential election, he never even tasted defeat. Two elections for the Mayor of Solo, one in the Pilkada of DKI Jakarta, and twice in the 2014 and 2019 Presidential Elections.

Choosing Susi instead of an academic title. Most presidents who lead this nation when determining their assistants in the cabinet by looking at experiences accompanied by academic degrees, but Jokowi is different. He saw a Susi Pudjiasti who just graduated from junior high school to serve as Minister of Maritime Affairs in the 2014-2019 Indonesia Working Cabinet.

Winning the hearts of the Gorontalo public. Even though Sandiaga Uno who was on the opposing side had Gorontalo blood, in the 2019 presidential election the Jokowi-Ma'ruf pair managed to win the vote in the Mekaran province of Southeast Sulawesi.

A party that was celebrated directly by the people. In the first Jokowi-JK victory in 2014, after the mass parade started from the HI Roundabout to Monas, at the same time a direct celebration party was held by the people and foreign bands.

Joko Widodo's profile

Full Name: Ir. H. Joko Widodo

Nickname: Jokowi

Place and Date of Birth: Surakarta, Central Java, June 21, 1961


Professions: Entrepreneurs, Politicians

Degree / Bachelor Degree in Forestry

Notomihardjo's parents, Sujiatmi Notomihadrjo

CouplesHj. Iriana Joko Widodo

ChildrenGibran Rakabuming Raka, Kaesang Pangarep, Kahiyang Ayu

Assets IDR 50,248,249,788 (elhkpn / 2018)

Social Media Instagram: (at) Jokowi Twitter: (at) Jokowi


Education S1: Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (1985) SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta, Solo, Central Java State Senior High School 1 Surakarta, Solo, Central Java SD Negeri 111, Tirtoyoso, Central Java


Career Journey President of the Republic of Indonesia 2019-2024 President of the Republic of Indonesia 2014-2019 Governor of DKI Jakarta (2012-2014) Mayor of Solo (2005-2012) CV. Rakabu (1998) PT. Kraft Paper Aceh, Gayo, Aceh Tengah (1986-1989)


Person of the Year Award, Time Magazine (2014) Pluralist Figure 2013, Indonesian Voters Institute (2013) Top 50 Leaders, Fortune Magazine (2013) Bintang Jasa Utama (Regional Head Service to the People), (2011) 10 Featured Figures of 2008, Tempo (2008) Inflation Control (While Leadership in Solo), Bank Indonesia Best City Award (Solo), DelgoseaThe City Mayors Foundation (World's 3rd Best Mayor, Surakarta Leadership)