KPK Discusses Increasing Salaries Of Its Leaders During The Pagebluk Period Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a meeting with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) about increasing the salary of its leaders.

Acting KPK spokesman in the field of prosecution Ali Fikri said the KPK joined the meeting to fulfill an invitation from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. He denied it when it was stated that the KPK had taken the initiative to hold the meeting.

"The KPK did not take the initiative to hold the meeting. The team at the KPK General Secretary attended the meeting via vicon (video conference) on May 29 to fulfill the previous invitation," Ali said in a written statement as quoted on Wednesday, June 10.

There are several points discussed at the meeting. First, regarding the letter from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to the Ministry of PAN-RB, it still uses the nomenclature of the Amended Government Regulation Draft (RPP) so that the RPP will become the Replacement RPP.

Furthermore, related to the draft RPP Replacement, there has also been no academic study regarding the amount of salary for KPK leaders.

"The academic study will soon be submitted to the Ministry of Kumham so that it can be followed up with a request for assessment to the Ministry of PAN-RB," said Ali.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana considered that the meeting was not in accordance with the statement made by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri some time ago. Because Firli had said that all KPK leaders had asked for this proposal to be canceled.

"This is very possible because the KPK leadership does not explicitly refuse to discuss their salary increases officially, which is already a manifestation of a conflict of interest," said Kurnia.

He emphasized that the discussion of salary increases with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights created a strong potential for a conflict of interest.

Moreover, this salary increase is not in accordance with the performance of the leaders in the era of Firli Bahuri, cs. Moreover, some time ago, the survey institute for Indonesian Political Indicators stated that the level of public trust in the KPK had decreased from 81.3 percent to 74.3 percent.

"Of course this cannot be separated from Firli's lack of achievement, the community is faced with a series of controversies by the KPK," said Kurnia.

In addition, in the middle of a gathering like this it doesn't seem right for the head of this anti-graft agency to get a salary increase. Moreover, handling this virus requires a large allocation of funds and it is not the time for KPK leaders to raise salaries.

Kurnia reminded that the discussion of a salary increase was very contrary to the KPK's moral message. This is because this institution often promotes a simple lifestyle that embodies 9 integrity values.

"Considering that the salary of the KPK leadership when it is already high, namely Rp.123 million for the KPK Chair and Rp112 million for the KPK Deputy Chairperson based on Government Regulation Number 82 of 2015 concerning Financial Rights, Position, Protocol, and Security Protection of the Corruption Eradication Commission Leaders, would of course be inappropriate. if the KPK leadership continues to 'beg' for a salary increase, "he said.

Reflecting on these points, ICW demands that the five KPK leaders show their stance by refusing to formally discuss the salary increase.

"If the KPK leadership wants to discuss this matter, so as not to create a conflict of interest, the policy can only apply to the next KPK leadership," he concluded.