Many Workers Are Exposed To COVID-19, KSPI 'Sentil' Minister Of Manpower Ida Fauziyah To Regulate Working Hours

JAKARTA - The Confederation of Indonesian Workers' Unions (KSPI) revealed that many non-essential factories violated the rules during the Level 4 PPKM because they did not limit the number of workers or laborers who came to work. As a result, many workers are exposed to COVID-19 in the factory environment.

KSPI President Said Iqbal requested that the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah provide clarity regarding the rules for working hours for factory workers during the Level 4 PPKM period.

Furthermore, Iqbal said it was important to issue this regulation, considering that not many factories apply tracing and antigen testing rules to their workers. Moreover, he said, many workers were exposed to COVID-19. In fact, not a few have died from COVID-19.

"The Minister of Manpower has not issued a single letter that stipulates rotating working hours. The company will not hear an appeal if there is no legal umbrella, whether it be from the governor, regent, mayor or minister. The regulation should be issued immediately, including how to implement IOMKI," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, July 26.

Iqbal said the mechanism of working in a factory is different from that in an office. Iqbal said, in the factory there is no term Work From Home (WFH), only Stay At Home. He also explained that most of the workers who work in factories are paid daily wages.

"There are no workers in factories, there are 50 percent WFH and 50 percent WFO (Work From Office), those who stay at home and if they don't work they don't get paid. he said.

In addition, Iqbal said that based on the results of a survey conducted by KSPI on 1,000 companies during PPKM level 3-4, there were 99 percent of respondents who were still working 100 percent.

Furthermore, Iqbal revealed that companies that continue to require workers to work 100 percent because they have obtained an Operational and Industrial Activity Mobility Permit (IOMKI) issued by the Ministry of Industry under the leadership of Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

"All factories or non-essential companies answered that 99 percent were still working 100 percent, thus the effectiveness of PPKM level 4 is not running in factories. The main reason is the application of rules that are not in sync with those issued by the Ministry of Industry," he said.