Eijkman: Vaccination Encourages People To Get Well Soon From COVID-19

JAKARTA - The head of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Amin Soebandrio, said that if infected with COVID-19, someone who has received the vaccine will have a greater chance of recovering quickly than those who have not been vaccinated.

"Although you can get infected again, most of the infections are not severe and recover quickly, that's the benefit of the vaccine," said Amin Soebandrio, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 26.

Amin explained the urgency of using the COVID-19 vaccine because it provides a number of benefits, including protecting oneself from COVID-19 infection because if you already have antibodies, it is hoped that infection will not occur even if you are exposed to the virus.

However, if you are still infected with COVID-19 even though you have received the COVID-19 vaccine, then the clinical symptoms you suffer will not become severe so that you can prevent morbidity.

Another benefit is that if severe morbidity or illness can be prevented, it can prevent death.

"Of course if the morbidity can be prevented not severe, of course we can prevent mortality or death," said Amin.

Furthermore, it is hoped that people who have been vaccinated will not become a source of transmission for others so that they can break the chain of transmission.

With a faster recovery period for people who have been vaccinated, the period of transmitting COVID-19 to others will also be smaller.

Therefore, it is important to follow the COVID-19 vaccination in order to reduce morbidity and mortality and create herd immunity.