Minister Of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo Reveals The Realization Of Agricultural KUR More Than 40 Percent

JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo said that the realization of the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) in the agricultural sector until the middle of 2021 had reached 40 percent of the set ceiling.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, the book is an achievement in itself amidst economic pressures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Agriculture is one of the commodities that continues to grow, this can be seen from the absorption of KUR which is more than 40 percent," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, July 26.

The Minister of Agriculture added that his party is optimistic about the continued realization of KUR in the second half of this year because the climatic conditions are quite supportive for the process of cultivating agricultural land.

"Hopefully nature is still as it is today which is very friendly to farmers and allows us to get better results," he said.

On this occasion, the Minister of Agriculture also said that the current food stock, especially rice, was in sufficient condition. It is stated that rice production for the planting period from January to July 2021 is estimated to reach 17.5 million tons of rice.

Meanwhile, consumption for the same period was 14.6 million tons. So, there are still more than 3 million tons of stock.

This amount is still added with more stocks than 2020, which is 7.3 million tons of rice. For this reason, there are around 10 million tons of rice supplies at this time.

Meanwhile, for the second planting period (July-December) the government estimates rice production to reach 14 million tons with the same level of consumption, namely 14 million tons.

"We believe that until the end of December we can still have enough," he concluded.