Follow The Central Government, DKI Extends Social Assistance Until The End Of The Year

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has extended the distribution of social assistance (bansos) for the poor and vulnerable to poverty as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak until the end of 2020. This aligns the central government policy which still distributes social assistance until December.

Head of the DKI Social Service, Irmansyah, said that the continuation of the distribution of social assistance distributed to residents since the beginning of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) period, namely April, needs to be discussed further. The goal is that aid distribution does not overlap at the same time.

"Technically, we will communicate with the Ministry of Social Affairs so that (the distribution of social assistance) between DKI and the central government is completely in line," said Irmansyah to reporters, Tuesday, June 9.

In this continued distribution of social assistance, the DKI Provincial Government uses the social assistance budget from unexpected costs (BTT). The total BTT budget is IDR 5.3 trillion. Around IDR 1.2 trillion has been disbursed for social assistance in the previous period.

"We do not know exactly (the amount of the budget). But earlier we have said that we have prepared a total of Rp. 5.3 trillion in total," said Irmansyah.

In addition, Irmansyah has not decided that the provision of social assistance is in the form of basic food or money.

"We will discuss it first for the provision of the fourth phase of social assistance. Now, after the President's assistance in July is over, maybe later we will coordinate what our assistance will be like," said Irmansyah.

Extension of central government social assistance

The government officially extends social assistance (bansos) to people affected by the COVID-19. However, the value of the assistance decreased from Rp. 600 thousand to Rp. 300 thousand per month.

The provision of social assistance is contained in the national economic recovery program (PEN). The assistance was given to support the people's purchasing power which had declined due to many factors during this period.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the budget prepared by the government in the PEN program is IDR 178.9 trillion which includes; Family Hope Program (PKH), Basic Food Cards, Discounts and Free Electricity, Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance (BLT), Jabodetabek and non-Jabodetabek social assistance and pre-employment cards.

Sri Mulyani explained that the social assistance that has been provided in the form of basic necessities will also be extended until the end of 2020 or December for the Jabodetabek area.

Furthermore, Sri said, 9 million recipients of aid from non-Jabodetabek areas would also be extended until December. However, in the July-December period, the value of benefits also decreased from IDR 600 thousand to IDR 300 thousand per month.

"The President also decided that the distribution of social assistance will be carried out in cash and non-cash. There will be transfers to the name of their account funds in accordance with the data at the Ministry of Social Affairs or in cooperation with the local government," he explained.

Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani revealed, the Village Fund BLT will also be extended until September 2020. However, in the July-September period, the value of the benefits will be reduced from IDR 600 thousand to IDR 300 thousand.

As for the details of the aid budget, namely, the total BLT Village Fund will reach IDR 31.8 trillion, while for non-Jabodetabek cash assistance the total will be IDR 32.4 trillion, and Jabodetabek social assistance a total of IDR 6.8 trillion.

"From the data obtained from the integrated data, the majority of social assistance recipients are farmers, breeders and planters as many as 18.4 million. Then traders and private sector workers are 4.2 million, construction workers 3.4 million, factory workers 3.3 million. , 1.3 million drivers and communication workers, nearly 900 thousand fishermen, and other sectors, "he said.