Erick Thohir Completes Clusterization Of 12 BUMNs According To Business Core

JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir said that the BUMN Ministry had finished compiling the BUMN clustering from 27 to 12 clusters according to its core business.

Erick said that this clustering was part of BUMN's steps to make efficiency. Later, each deputy minister of BUMN will cover the six predetermined clusters.

"Clusters are also formed based on what is called the value chain, supply chain or how to synergize the existing core business," he said, during a virtual working meeting of Commission VI, Tuesday, June 9.

Then, Erick explained, Deputy Minister of BUMN I Budi Gunadi Sadikin would foster six clusters, namely the Oil and Gas and Energy Industry Cluster, which includes several BUMNs, including PLN, Pertamina, and the State Gas Company (PGN).

Then, the Minerba Industry Cluster, which includes Krakatau Steel (KS) and Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum). In addition, there is also a Plantation and Forestry Industry Cluster, which includes PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) and Inhutani, among others.

The Fertilizer and Food Industry Cluster will also be held by Deputy Minister I. This cluster consists of for example PT Berdikari and Perikanan Nusantara (Perinus).

"I also moved this, a cluster of Mr. Vice Minister II, namely plantations and forestry, so he moved places. Why are we doing this? Because plantations and forestry, fertilizers and food can be a very strong synergy," said Erick.

Deputy Minister I will also be responsible for the Pharmaceutical and Health Industry Cluster, which includes Bio Farma, Kimia Farma, and Indo Farma, as well as Petra Medika.

"Pharmacy and Hospital must be united and cannot stand alone, so that they can work together," he said.

Finally, the Defense Industry Cluster, Manufacturing, and other Industries, where there are BUMNs that oversee the defense sector.

Meanwhile, the other six clusters will be fostered by Deputy Minister of BUMN II Kartiko Wirjoatmodjoo, namely the Financial Services Cluster, which includes the National Madani Capital (PMN), Danareksa, and Pegadaian.

Then, the Insurance Services and Pension Fund Cluster, which consists of Jiwasraya Insurance, ABRI Insurance (Asabri), Taspen, Jasindo, Jasa Raharja, Askrindo, and Jamkrindo. Then, the Telecommunication and Media Cluster, for example Telkom, and LKBN Antara.

"Those who moved (from Deputy Minister I) were Telkom and the media. Because like it or not the name banking, insurance is closely related to digitalization and the data base can be shared together," he explained.

Then, the Infrastructure Development Cluster, in which Erick combines state-owned enterprises with cement SOEs, on the grounds that both need each other and can work together, in which there are Semen Gresik and Semen Baturaja.

"Cement will join here (the infrastructure cluster) which was previously cement and of course the work is separate now can be synergized. Because what is called a work, like it or not, need cement," he said.

Then, the Tourism, Logistics Cluster, and others, consisting of the Hotel Indonesia, the Temple Tourism Park, and the Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC). Finally, the Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure Cluster, namely Angkasa Pura (AP), Indonesian Railways (KAI), and Damri.

"Alhamdulillah, this has been done. So now we are trying to tidy up internally at the Ministry of SOEs. Today we have appointed several Assistant Deputies (assistant deputies) of some of our echelon IIs to start tidying up so that the concrete implementation can run," he said.