Although Saudi Arabia Allows Hajj, Fachrul Razi Will Not Change His Decision

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Fachrul Razi will continue to cancel the departure of the pilgrims from Indonesia, even though Saudi Arabia allows this. Because, when we had to adjust the schedule for the departure of the first batch on June 26, the time needed for preparation was too tight.

"The first batch is June 26 and only a few days away. Say only 10 days or two weeks to go. There is no way we can arrange good preparation steps," said Fachrul in an online discussion broadcast on the Zoom platform, Tuesday, 9 May.

Fachrul said, inadequate preparation will be dangerous for the health of the prospective pilgrims who will depart this year. "What will happen later is that we are in a hurry, instead helping to spread the COVID-19 problem," he said.

For him, the decision to cancel the pilgrim's departure has gone through a careful calculation. In addition, the Saudi Arabian government has not provided certainty about the implementation of the Haj this year. This can be seen from the absence of welcome for the coming haj pilgrims, such as building tents in Arafah and Mina.

"There is no such significant preparation. So, we think it is very likely that (the pilgrimage) will not be held," he said.

Not to mention, pilgrims need to go into quarantine for 28 days before being sent to Saudi Arabia to carry out their prayers. So, with this time requirement, it is impossible for the departure of the first batch of Indonesian Hajj to be on schedule.

"I think it is the best decision, which we have calculated carefully and we discussed with our embassy in Saudi Arabia and our friends we sent to Saudi Arabia," said Fachrul.

He understands, with the cancellation of this year's pilgrimage departure, it will affect the next year's departure schedule. Therefore, Fachrul will seek additional haj quota for the government of Saudi Arabia to anticipate the queuing problem for pilgrims next year.

"If we ask for additional quota, if there is indeed a country whose quota is not used, he can add to Indonesia, but that does not mean a large increase in the quota," he explained.

"But next year we will still try our utmost to be able to provide additional for our pilgrims so that the waiting time will not be any longer," he added.

Meanwhile, the elderly congregation, Fachrul ensured, would receive priority from the government. He promised that the elderly would get a special quota by calculating the age gap with their waiting time.

"This is very fair in our opinion, so they have the opportunity to go more," he concluded.