Even Though It's Heavy, The Problem Of Plastic Waste Is Increasingly Being Resolved

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is optimistic that waste management in Indonesia is getting better from year to year. This is because current policies and regulations are very supportive of handling waste which is very difficult.

Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, said that regulations at the top to bottom levels are more progressive and courageous by setting a target of reducing waste by 30 percent and handling 70 percent of waste. In addition, it prohibits the use of single-use plastic, such as plastic shopping bags, plastic straws and Styrofoam containers.

In fact, dozens of districts or cities in two provinces have implemented the ban. Thus, the amount of single-use plastic waste is decreasing.

"So far, there are 2 provinces and 29 regencies / cities that have issued regional policies regarding the prohibition and restriction of single-use plastics," said Siti in her statement, Tuesday, June 9.

In addition, the participation of the community as consumers and producers of plastics is getting higher. As consumers, people have started to reduce the use of single-use plastics. In fact, among world countries, the role of the Indonesian people is very prominent.

"Community support is so strong and widespread, it is a good foundation for national development and future waste management," said Siti.

Meanwhile, on the producer side, said Siti, business actors have complied with their obligations to take part in waste management. They reduce waste from products or packaging they use through activities to limit waste generation (reduce), recycle waste (recycle), and reuse waste (reuse).

This is in accordance with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number P.75 of 2019 concerning the Roadmap for Reducing Waste by Producers.

"Several producers have taken proactive steps and concrete efforts to reduce waste originating from their activities or businesses. This is a real step in implementing the waste reduction road map by producers as regulated in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.75 of 2019," said Siti. .

Waste reduction company

Based on the data, there are four companies that have succeeded in reducing and helping the problem of plastic waste. Thus, these companies were awarded with respect to this.

The first company, PT. Tirta Investama as the producer of meniral Aqua water. The company achieved two achievements, namely increasing the recall of PET bottles for recycling from 7,020 tons in 2017 to 12,000 tons in 2019.

Then, increase the recycled material content of PET bottles (recycledPET or rPET) from 15 percent in 2017 to 100 percent in 2019. So that the plastic in mineral water containers is easier to recycle.

Furthermore, the company that was awarded, namely, CV Sarirasa Nusantara, the holder of the Sate Khas Senayan trademark with a reduction of 32.83 tons of plastic waste in 2019.

Then, PT Rekso National Food, the holder of the McDonald's Indonesia trademark, achieved a reduction of 470 tons of plastic waste in 2019. Finally, PT Fastfood Indonesia, the holder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken trademark, reduced plastic waste by 48 tons in 2019.

"One thing that I want to convey and should be our focus together is, let us make this moment a milestone to move and work together to collaborate to build better waste management," concluded Siti.

Adding, the Director General of Waste Management, Waste, Hazardous and Toxic Materials (PSLB3), KLHK, Rosa Vivien Ratnawati said that the award was based on monitoring and evaluation as well as verification from a team that had been formed previously.

"There are 3 types of producers who are monitored, evaluated, and verified on their waste reduction performance, namely the manufacturing, retail, and food and beverage services sectors," he concluded.