Indonesian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Together With TNI-POLRI Free Vaccination Of 15 Thousand Participants

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) together with the TNI and Polri held a free COVID-19 vaccination targeting 15,000 participants. The first stage of vaccination, which will be held for three days, starting from July 24-26 2021 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Jakarta, was carried out as an effort to help accelerate the formation of herd immunity.

To make this mass vaccination a success, Kadin Indonesia also collaborates with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Pemuda Pancasila, Al-Azhar Islamic School Alumni (Asia), as well as business associations.

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid said, to reduce the pace of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kadin will continue to strengthen collaboration with various parties, from the government, private sector to community organizations.

"The acceleration of the handling of COVID-19 requires mutual cooperation from all parties. The implementation of vaccinations must continue to be encouraged so that the herd immunity target can be quickly achieved, so that the community can be protected from the impact of the pandemic," said Arsjad, Saturday, July 24.

Arsjad said that this mass vaccination program is a tangible manifestation of Kadin in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. According to him, at this time health recovery is the most important factor so that the economy can recover.

Kadin vaccinated 15 thousand participants. (Photo: Doc, Kadin)

"The performance of the business world is also determined by the strength of the health aspect. Therefore, we actively participate in handling this pandemic. In addition to accelerating vaccination, we are also raising assistance for oxygen supply, medical assistance, donations, including establishing a Mutual Cooperation Oxygen House," he added. .

The chairman of the Executive Committee of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Firlie Ganinduto, said that the target of 15 thousand vaccination recipients, apart from coming from the institutions involved, is also from direct registration at the site for the general public who meet the requirements.

Firlie added that the implementation of this vaccination was as comfortable as possible for the participants. The committee targets the vaccination process for each participant to be carried out in just 45 minutes.

COVID-19 Vaccination. (Photo: Doc. Kadin)

To make this vaccination a success, said Firlie, the committee prepared 150 health workers, 50 administrative staff, 200 ground crews, as well as 30 traffic controllers.

"In addition to being fast, we will make this vaccination as convenient as possible for the participants," said Firlie.

Oxygen Assistance

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Indika Energy Group also provided assistance to Kadin Indonesia in the form of 8,000 oxygen cylinders measuring 40 liters, 47 liters and 50 liters that have been filled, as well as four ISO tanks with a capacity of 20 thousand liters.

Later, the 8,000 oxygen cylinders will be distributed gradually to hospitals throughout Indonesia, through a rotation or swap mechanism to replace the empty cylinders.

The assistance was directly received by the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid, during the vaccination program at the JCC, Jakarta.

"Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry expresses its appreciation to business actors who have helped fulfill the need for oxygen to be distributed to emergency rooms in hospitals," said Arsjad.

Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid. (Photo: Doc. Kadin)

Through the Kadin War Against the Pandemic movement, Arsjad Rasjid invited the business world to unite and work together to help the government in overcoming the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Through this movement, said Arsjad, Kadin together with the business world contributed to establishing the Mutual Cooperation Oxygen House in the Pulogadung area, East Jakarta. This is an emergency hospital to treat COVID-19 patients in the mild and moderate categories.

According to Asjad, recently, Kadin has also collaborated with SKK Migas and the upstream oil and gas industry to help procure seven ISO tanks and 1,500 oxygen cylinders.

Arsjad, collaboration with the government and all community stakeholders is the main key to ending the pandemic.