Hospital Bed Occupancy Drops As COVID-19 Cases Decline In DKI, Deputy Governor Riza: There Is An Improvement

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that currently the occupancy of hospital beds in Jakarta is decreasing. This is in line with the decline in positive cases of COVID-19.

Last week, the daily use of isolation beds in 140 COVID-19 referral hospitals was 87 percent and the ICU by 93 percent. Currently, the occupancy of isolation beds has dropped to 77 percent and ICU 88 percent.

"In general, this is indeed a bed improvement," said Riza when met in South Jakarta, Saturday, July 24.

The number of new COVID-19 cases in Jakarta per day in recent days has begun to decline. During the past week, daily cases in DKI were less than 10 thousand. This is different from before the implementation of Emergency PPKM which increased by more than 10 thousand per day.

However, Riza said, daily cases in the capital city could begin to decline due to the success of the Emergency PPKM which limited people's mobility to stay at home. He emphasized that the decline in cases was not due to a decrease in the number of specimens examined.

"Our PCR tests have also been 20 times the WHO standard. The total PCR tests that have been carried out are 5,085,446, while the PCR specimen tests have been 6,604,683 and the contribution of PCR to the national level has reached 30.6 percent," Riza explained.

He continued, currently the DKI Provincial Government continues to improve referral hospital facilities, health workers, oxygen, medicines, to vitamin supplies.

As of today, there are 8,360 new cases of COVID-19 from the examination of 29,105 specimens. The number of active cases in Jakarta decreased by 6,413 cases, so the number of active cases to date is 73,222 people who are still being treated or isolated.

Then, the total number of confirmed cases in Jakarta as of today is 786,880 cases. Of the total number of positive cases, a total of 702,477 people were declared cured with a cure rate of 89.3 percent, and a total of 11,181 people died with a death rate of 1.4 percent.

The positivity rate or percentage of positive cases in the last week in Jakarta was 25.7 percent, while the percentage of positive cases in total was 15.4 percent.