Smart Assistant Google And Apple Ready To Respond To Black Lives Matter Questions

JAKARTA - The consistency of technology companies in their efforts to fight racism continues. Now Apple and Google are adding vocabulary, information and searches related to racism issues or 'Black Lives Matter' to their smart assistant services.

As reported by Business Insider, the smart assistant updates on each of these platforms will clarify searches related to the keyword 'Black Lives Matter'. Their understanding of the issue of racism will also be embedded in several updated versions.

For the Siri smart assistant device, Apple is not only campaigning for 'Black Lives Matter' but also explaining that all groups have the same rights. This smart assistant will also respond to various questions about related news topics.

Screenshot of Siri's response to Black Lives Matter (Apple)

Likewise with Google Assistant, this service will also process information and questions submitted by its users regarding the issue of racism. On its search engine search page, Google also had time to pin a sign of support for all races without exception.

"Acknowledging injustice is the first step towards remedy, and is the same freedom given to everyone in this country," said Google Assistant.

Both Apple and Google agreed to fight racial issues. As a concrete action of their support, Apple and Google have also opened fundraising to be channeled to communities in need.

As is known, protests and demonstrations still occur in the United States (US). They protested the brutality of a policeman who killed a black citizen named George Floyd, on 25 May.

The public and social media are jointly campaigning for the 'Black Livess Matter' movement as a form of protest. Not only in America, this movement also extends to a number of countries.