7 Types Of Orgasms In Women And Men You Need To Know

JAKARTA – Scientists explore a lot about sexual activity. Various studies can be a reference and even knowledge to underlie consensual preferences with a partner.

Reported by Medical News Today, Friday, July 23, health experts found the idea of orgasm. Especially for women, that many doctors since the 1970s have claimed that it is normal for women not to have orgasms. How can it be?

Orgasm itself is defined by two different criteria. Medical professionals use the criteria for physiological changes in the body as a basis for making definitions. While psychologists and mental health professionals use emotional and cognitive changes.

For all genders, have experienced orgasmic disorders. And in fact, orgasm does not only occur during sexual stimulation. The experience of having an orgasm cannot be generalized. Because every individual has differences, especially related to basic physiological changes.

A sex researcher, Betty Dodson, defines 7 different types of orgasm. This type can be very biased towards genital stimulation. Here are 7 types of orgasm according to Dodson.

Blended orgasms, is a variety of different orgasmic experiences mixed into one. Multiple orgasms, a series of orgasms at one time. Pressure orgasms, orgasms that arise from indirect stimulation or from pressure that is given. This is a form of self-stimulation that is more common in children. Relaxation orgasms, orgasms that result from deep relaxation during sexual stimulation. Tension orgasms, the common form of orgasm, are direct stimulation and are experienced when the body and muscles are tense. Fantasy orgasm, orgasm that results from mental stimulation alone. G-spot orgasm, orgasm that results from stimulation of the erogenous zone during penetrative intercourse.

Based on physiological changes, the orgasm experienced by women is related to stimulation. When stimulated, the blood vessels in the genitals dilate. Due to the increased blood supply, the vulva swells and becomes wet. Heart rate and breathing become faster.

Breasts will also increase in size up to 25 percent. When you have an orgasm, the genital muscles – including the uterus and introitus – experience rhythmic contractions about 0.8 seconds apart. Usually, women's orgasms last longer than men's, an average of about 13-51 seconds.

While the male orgasm, when a man is physically or psychologically stimulated, then he will experience an erection. Blood flows into the corpora causing the penis to grow in size and stiffen. The scrotum also tightens, the muscles of the father and buttocks tighten.

Blood pressure rises, pulse is faster, and respiratory rate increases. Well, when you have an orgasm, semen – a mixture of 5 percent sperm and 95 percent fluid – enters the urethra and then semen comes out of the penis, which is called ejaculation. The average male orgasm is 10-30 seconds.

After experiencing orgasm and ejaculation, men enter the recovery phase, which is not experienced by women. If in women, there is the possibility of having another orgasm at one time while men do not. This recovery period is called refractory, each person varies in length.