Don't Play Games, Jambi Regional Police Supervise The Distribution Of Oxygen Cylinder Sales

JAKARTA - The Jambi Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) has formed a team to oversee the distribution and sale of oxygen cylinders.

This is in line with the need for oxygen for COVID-19 patients. In addition, to anticipate hoarding and price increases above the Highest Retail Price (HET).

Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, AKBP M Santoso, said that his party would summon and process anyone who stockpiled or sold oxygen on the HET.

"If later it is found that there is an element of violation, we will coordinate the sanctions with the competent authorities, and the sanctions may later be revoked for the distributors' licenses," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, July 23

Currently, the supply or stock of oxygen cylinders in Jambi is still sufficient. It is known based on the results of checking with a number of agents in Jambi City. As for the price, the former Batanghari Police Chief said that although there was an increase, in general the price of oxygen in Jambi was still stable.

"Prices are still stable, although the increase is only around Rp. 5,000 and this is still reasonable," said AKBP Santoso, accompanied by Panit I Sub-Directorate I Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Jambi Police AKP Dhadhag Anindito.

Furthermore, Santoso also said that the current supply of oxygen is prioritized for hospital needs, for handling COVID-19 patients, and indeed the distribution of oxygen to hospitals and pharmacies has been determined and outsiders cannot buy it.

Dhadhag Anindito added that the police are ready to assist in escorting the distribution of oxygen, and agents should not hesitate to ask the police for assistance in escorting if they feel there are concerns regarding the distribution.