Not Yet Received Notification Of July 24 Demonstration, Bandung Police Urges Residents Not To Be Provoked

BANDUNG - Bandung Police Chief, Kombes Ulung Sampurna Jaya, said that his party had not received any notification of a protest action related to the emergency PPKM on Saturday, July 24.

"Until now, if there is a national action, we have not received the permit," said Ulung at the Bandung Polrestabes quoted by Antara, Friday, July 23.

However, according to him, Bandung Polrestabes continue to be on standby to anticipate public demonstrations.

Including today where a number of Bandung Police officers together with the West Java Police Mobile Brigade were on standby at Bandung City Hall after hearing about the issue of demonstrations. As of Friday afternoon, no crowd had approached Bandung City Hall.

"Alhamdulillah, today in the city of Bandung there is no demonstration, so that the city of Bandung is safe and conducive," said Ulung.

He ensured that his party would facilitate if there were people who wanted to express their aspirations regarding PPKM which is now being implemented in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, he said, people were asked not to cause crowds with mass actions.

The reason, said Ulung, was that there were a number of participants in the demonstration on Wednesday, July 21, who were declared reactive after an antigen swab test was carried out, because the potential for the spread of COVID-19 in the crowd was quite high.

"Like yesterday, when we disbanded, those who were secured were examined, the results were reactive (antigen test), we did PCR and the results were positive, we took them to the hospital," said Ulung.

The police asked the public not to be provoked by invitations to protest with unclear issues. Because with demonstrations, the spread of COVID-19 will have the potential to create new clusters.

"People in the city of Bandung should not be provoked into participating in an unclear demonstration with issues as if they reject PPKM, when in fact they only want to spoil the atmosphere in the city of Bandung," continued Ulung.