Volunteers Criticize Facebook Again For President Donald Trump

JAKARTA - Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg has been criticized for his policy not to curate posts by the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump. This time the criticism came from scientists, who received a research grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI).

Summarized from The Guardian, at least 140 scientists and researchers urged the Facebook boss not to make more mistakes because he could not prevent the spread of disinformation and hoaxes on his platform. They were also disappointed with the policy of Priscilla Chan's husband by broadcasting President Trump's controversial posts.

Moreover, the upload was disclosed, when a public atmosphere was protesting the brutal action of a police officer for killing a black citizen named George Floyd, in Minnesota, USA. As a result, demonstrations and protests related to the issue of racism have returned to spread throughout the United States.

Not to mention the controversial comments that President Trump often said. Many people believe that these comments will not comply with Facebook community standards in managing the spread of news.

"We urge you to consider stricter policies on misinformation and incendiary language that endangers any person or group of people, especially in our current climate of grappling with racial injustice," the letter said.

Of course these scientists are not alone. The criticism was also accompanied by a strike from Facebook employees protesting Mark Zuckerberg's policies, since June 1.

“We are aware of the pain that many of our people are feeling at the moment, especially the black community. When we face tough decisions, around the content ahead and we will continue to look for the best solution, "wrote Mark Zuckerberg.

On the other hand, Twitter has boldly attached a warning label to President Trump's posts. Some of it is even chlorinated as hate speech.