Religious Figures Ask People To Think Positive In Facing The Pagebluk Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - During the early days of COVID-19, the challenges faced by the community were very complex. The religious figure Yusuf Mansur invited the public to think and behave positively in dealing with this situation.

He said that he should respond to this challenge by thinking and behaving positively in the midst of a morning atmosphere. By thinking and behaving positively, humans will still feel happiness and enthusiasm.

"By thinking positively, we will try and pray for better jobs and other activities than before the pandemic, especially for people who are directly affected," Yusuf said through a video conference on the BNPB YouTube account, Monday, June 8.

Yusuf also reminded us to always comply with health protocols in new normal times, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands frequently.

“Now, if you don't wear a mask, don't wash your hands, don't keep your distance, it must be very uncool. We should all be proud to be able to help others by adhering to health protocols. I am cool and proud because I adhere to health protocols, ”said Yusuf.

Yusuf added, "We have to believe this is a process to get the best."

According to Yusuf, complaints that are spoken by humans will bring a negative atmosphere. Therefore, he advised people to look at the other side and rise up to find a way out of every problem.

And, he said, did not forget to ask God for help so that everything that was planned to rise would run smoothly.

"So what exists is hope, not a record of burdens, not a note of problems. Not a record of difficulties," he said.