Meaning Of Universitas Brawijaya Symbol

JAKARTA - Do you know the meaning of the symbol of Universitas Brawijaya? We explore some facts about this symbol of one of the best universities in Malang, East Java. The figure of Raden Wijaya (Prabu Wijaya) is an important key in tracing the meaning of the Universitas Brawijaya symbol.

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is a university located in Malang, East Java. UB symbol has one of the most prominent elements, namely Raden Wijaya (Prabu Brawijaya). However, is it only Raden Wijaya who has the meaning of this symbol?

In short history, Raden Wijaya is the founder of the Majapahit Kingdom which ruled for 234 years, starting in 1293. He also has the title Kertarajasa Jayawardhana. The Majapahit Kingdom itself was originally centered in Mojokerto, East Java. Then, the capital city of Majapahit was moved to Trowulan, before being moved again to Kediri.

Quoting Historia, Wijaya is also a descendant of the founder of the Singhasari Kingdom. He is the son of Dyah Lembu Tal, grandson of Mahisa Campaka or Narasinghamurti. His grandfather was the son of Mahisa Wonga Teleng, son of Ken Angrok and Ken Dedes. Ken Angrok or Sri Ranggah Rajasa was the founder of the Rajasa Dynasty which later brought down the Singhasari and Majapahit kings.

Reporting from the official website of Universitas Brawijaya, Monday, June 8, each shape and detail on the symbol has its own meaning. The symbol of UB is in the shape of a pentagon, with black as the base color, with a golden image of King Brawijaya in the pentagon.

Universitas Brawijaya Coat of Arms (Source:
Emblem Surgery

Prabu Brawijaya is also depicted as the embodiment of Lord Wisynu, with four hands holding lamps. There are fanka or snail, club, and chakra. Wearing the crown of Candra Kapala, Prabu Brawijaya was flanked by a pair of Perwara gods who were followers of the King.

The gold color on the UB symbol represents the pioneering spirit that King Brawijaya has, which pioneered the building of the Majapahit Kingdom, one of the largest kingdoms in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the blue color that shines as a symbol of universal nature and the base color is black which symbolizes eternity.

UB also shows the philosophy and view of life of the Indonesian people towards Pancasila through its symbol, which is the pentagon shape covered with gold. Through Mahkota Candra Kapala, UB shows the philosophy of courage to expose everything that is not fair.

Law enforcement is also symbolized by a club. Shattering fault is depicted in the form of a chakra weapon. All these things are done with purity along with the duty of nurturing and guiding, like the nature of Lord Vishynu which is also depicted in the form of fanka or snail.

Belief in living matter is also symbolized by the presence of lights. Thus, the entire symbol represents the spiritual characteristics of King Brawijaya and is always based on the values of Pancasila.