The Startup Formed By The Ministry Of Industry Develops Early Detection Methods For Positive COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry appreciates the domestic startup, Neurabot, as a developer of a centralized data mining platform for the image data of the identified coronavirus or COVID-19 patients.

Neurabot is a company that is part of the artificial intelligence and information technology (AI & IT) task force in handling the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia.

Director General of Small, Medium and Miscellaneous Industry (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih said, Neurabot is a finalist for the Startup 4 Industry program initiated by the Ministry of Industry in 2018, along with artificial intelligent (AI) experts and AI academics in Indonesia.

In addition, Neurobot is tasked with developing the application of deep learning technology for CT-scan examinations of the lungs, as well as plain chest radiographs (x-rays).

"This is one of the modalities for rapid detection of COVID-19 cases with high sensitivity and specificity. So that it can assist clinical decision making in the current pandemic," he said, in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, June 8.

Gati said, Neurabot is a startup that has a copyright in the field of Digital Image Processing Laboratory Platform with Artificial Intelligence Technology.

"The AI algorithm is one of the intellectual property for startups that must be protected. Our IPR clinic has facilitated copyrights and brands," he explained.

Furthermore, Gati said, the Ministry of Industry hopes that Neurabot will grow and become a provider of AI technology in the health sector so that it can become an accelerator for the implementation of industry 4.0.

"The growth of technology startups is part of the Ministry of Industry's priority steps to accelerate the transformation to industry 4.0," he said.

Meanwhile, the Founder & CEO of Neurabot Indarto explained, one of the challenges faced in using the technology developed was that the majority of COVID-19 referral hospitals still used plain chest radiographs (x-rays) which had lower sensitivity than low-dose pulmonary CT scans. (LDCT) in detecting the image of changes in the patient's lung structure.

"However, Neurabot together with AI experts who are members of this task force will continue to strive to process all available data sources, including plain chest radiographs and clinical data as reinforcement to produce AI-based early identification solutions precisely and quickly," said Indarto.

Have Several Solutions

Indarto said, Neurabot has several solutions in early identification of Al-base quickly and precisely. First, is 'My Lab', which is the first digital image processing laboratory platform in Indonesia in the field of health and biotechnology.

According to Indarto, through this platform, Neurabot presents a digital laboratory based on microscopic images and radiological images, which allows users to collaborate on research, process digital image data, digitize and store data.

The second solution for Neurabot is the 'AI Lab' which is able to process medical and biotech image data that has been collected with the help of artificial intelligence.

"The result is information in the form of predictions, calculations, identification and segmentation of an object or condition, which is directly useful when making a decision (decision support system) in the process of diagnosing a disease, including during the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Indarto said, Neurabot aims to build an ecosystem in the field of science that combines artificial intelligence technology with human intelligence, but without replacing humans.

"This technology does not intend to replace an expert, but helps in establishing a diagnosis quickly and precisely. The final decision in diagnosis is the responsibility of both experts and professionals," he explained.