Nikita Mirzani Complains About Food During Quarantine At 5-Star Hotels To Business Accusations, This Is PHRI's Response

JAKARTA - Artist Nikita Mirzani has expressed his frustration over the service of a 5-star hotel while undergoing quarantine after returning to Indonesia from abroad.

Nikita Mirzani said that the hotel food served was not good enough to accuse "business" of being in quarantine, which is mandatory for Indonesian citizens / foreigners from abroad in the midst of a pandemic.

"The hotel is only 5 stars but the food is not good... Anything in Indonesia is used as a business," said Nikita Mirzani via Instagram stroy.

Nikita Mirzani's outburst of frustration was responded to by the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI). PHRI explained that quarantine at repatriation hotels must be carried out according to the rules of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 8 of 2021.

As a rule, Indonesian citizens/foreigners who enter Indonesia from abroad are required to quarantine for 8 days 7 nights at a designated hotel. There are 64 hotels that become repatriated hotels or hotels used to quarantine foreigners and Indonesian citizens from abroad.

"Who is the hotel that will be proposed by the integrated joint task force command, it's from PHRI, we will sort it out. First, you have to have a CHSE (Clean, Health, Safety, and Environment) certificate with a value of 92, it can't be just a hotel. These hotels must also provide some of the facilities that have been stipulated in the agreement. There is an SOP," said PHRI Secretary General Maulana Yusran, confirmed by VOI, Thursday, July 22.

Maulana emphasized that Indonesian citizens/foreigners who entered the repatriation hotel had been declared negative from the PCR test. If positive for COVID-19, the Indonesian citizen/foreigner will be transferred to a centralized isolation area.

For those who come from abroad, 64 repatriation hotels are offered. There is never any coercion for guests to choose certain hotels.

“The quality problem depends on the hotel. So let's see that the hotel is already (in) this condition, it's made as if they were playing this game," said Maulana.

Regarding the business accusations from the quarantine of Indonesian citizens / foreigners, Maulana asked that evidence be included. All corrections are accepted and will be checked for correctness.

"Please prove it, don't accuse people. It's not good to accuse without evidence. Please be corrected we are open. Regarding bad food service, please have a place too, the hotel is also in the digital era giving reviews. But there are rules (during quarantine) no eating out, no Gojek, 3 meals are prepared," continued Maulana.

According to him, the 64 repatriated hotels are also not looking for profits related to the obligations of Indonesian citizens/foreigners to quarantine. Because the hotel occupancy rate for Indonesian citizens/foreigners to undergo the quarantine period, called Maulana, is less than 10 percent.

“We are careful to build perceptions, the government is already struggling. We must have a sense of crisis. If there is a correction there is already a call center, media center at BNPB. All consumer information must be checked. We are not talking about profit, we are ready to be corrected to maintain quality,” said Maulana.

Previously, the Hotel Repatriation Coordinator of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Vivi Herlambang conveyed hotel rates for foreigners and Indonesian citizens undergoing quarantine based on star classification.

"We determine the price of the hotel with all PHRI members, the rate for staying seven nights and eight days with three meals, five pieces of laundry, and two PCR tests," Vivi said at a press conference with the theme "Brightly Quarantine Foreign Travelers" quoted Between, Friday, July 16th.

He detailed, the price range for three-star hotels is Rp. 6.5 million to Rp. 7.5 million, four-star hotels are in the range of Rp. 7.5 million to Rp. 10 million.

Then, five-star hotels in the range of Rp. 10 million to Rp. 14 million, and luxury hotels in the range of Rp. 14 million to Rp. 20 million.

Meanwhile, for the price of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, Vivi said, the cost is Rp. 800,000.

"The price of PCR is determined from the Health Quarantine, and we get a price of Rp. 800,000, and that is included in it," he explained.

In addition, continued Vivi, the general manager of the hotel must also sign an integrity pact to follow the rules that have been set.