5 Steps To Treat Diabetic Wounds To Dry Fast

JAKARTA – We need the right way to treat wounds. Wounds experienced by diabetics, in particular This is not an ordinary wound but it is not impossible to treat and it dries quickly.

Sores in people with diabetes, usually on the feet. Compared to ordinary wounds, diabetic wounds heal longer. Even if not treated properly, the wound can continue to widen and be fatal.

In people with diabetes, treating wounds also needs to be balanced with maintaining normal blood sugar levels. In addition, regular treatment and consultation with a doctor is also recommended. If the situation is not possible, such as during the pandemic, wound treatment can be done at home.

The steps for treating diabetic wounds to dry quickly are as follows:

1. Clean the wound

Diabetic wounds are called diabetic ulcers which are caused by several factors, including poor blood circulation, irritation, trauma. Experiencing neuropathy or decreased ability, pain, and nerve damage is influenced by blood sugar levels that continue to be high for a long time.

Even the pain often goes unnoticed. For the first diabetic wound care, clean it regularly. Such as by washing feet or cleaning with running water. Then apply an antibiotic ointment on the doctor's recommendation. Don't forget to change the wound dressing to keep it clean.

2. Reduces pressure on the wound

Pressure on the wound makes it difficult for the wound to dry. As much as possible, avoid pressure on the wound, for example by providing a soft base if the wound has a foot. Also avoid wearing a bandage that is too tight or if the wound is on a limb, avoid wearing tight clothing.

3. Avoid physical contact

A scraped or bumped wound will make it never heal. That is, avoid physical contact so as not to cause the infection to get worse.

4. Sufficient intake of body nutrients

To keep the metabolism working and to help with the regeneration and wound healing process, adequate nutrition is needed. More specifically, follow the advice of a doctor or nutritionist. Avoid consuming dietary restrictions and fulfill them as needed.

5. Check regularly

At first it can be a normal wound. But if it is not checked regularly or the cause is identified, then it might get worse. Periodic maintenance is also mandatory to anticipate the proliferation of bacteria that cause infection.

In addition to checking wounds, diabetics who have neuropathy or diabetic ulcers also need to control their blood sugar. Because without controlling blood sugar levels, wound care will not be optimal.