The Resignation Of Achmad Zaky From The Leadership Of Bukalapak

JAKARTA - Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Achmad Zaky decided to resign from Bukalapak. Rachmat Kaimuddin will replace the leadership at the largest e-Commerce company in Indonesia.

Quoting from his official statement, the change in leadership composition at Bukalapak will be effective starting on January 6, 2020. This change is said to be a continuation of the company's long-term plan to enter the second decade and in the context of building a sustainable e-Commerce business.

"We started Bukalapak with a personal passion to create a positive impact on MSMEs. I am proud that in 10 years, Bukalapak is known on the world map as Indonesia's leading e-Commerce," said Zaky in his statement, Monday, December 9.

In its journey since January 10, 2010, Bukalapak has emerged as a startup with a unicorn title with a funding valuation of over US $ 1 billion. As an implementation of the long-term plan, Bukalapak has strengthened its management team with experienced individuals.

"Now, we invite Rachmat Kaimuddin to join Bukalapak because his leadership can lead Bukalapak to an even greater level. I believe Rachmat is the right person, part of the right team, in the right position, and comes at the right time," continued Zaky.

After no longer serving as Bukalapak boss, Achmad Zaky plans to establish the Achmad Zaky Foundation, a tech startup that will focus on the education sector. Even so, he will still contribute to Bukalapak, which he developed as an advisor and mentor.

Prior to joining Bukalapak, Rachmat Kaimuddin was one of the outstanding young people. He is an alumni of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University. He has occupied various strategic positions.

Rachmat has held the position of Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of PT Cardig Air Service (2009-2011). Then, he became Group Chief Financial Officer at PT Amstelco Indonesia Tbk (2011-2012), Vice President and also Chief Rep. Officer for Indonesia at Baring Private Equity Asia (2012-2014).

Then, he was entrusted with serving as Finance Director of PT Bosowa Corporindo (2014-May 2018) and Commissioner of Bank Bukopin (2014-2018). In 2018, this 40-year-old man was appointed as the chief financial officer of Bukopin who a year later led Bukalapak.