Mysterious Shooter With Wind Roaming In Tangerang, Two Victims

JAKARTA - Street cowboys spread terror in the Tangerang area. Two people have become victims. They were shot for no reason.

Two young men, Ihsan Ansari Ritonga and M. Fachrulroji became victims. They were shot at different locations around the clock, Friday, June 5.

The Head of Public Relations at the Tangerang Metro Police, Kompol Abdul Rachim said a series of investigative processes had been carried out, including holding the scene of the crime in two locations.

The two locations referred to are Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and Jalan Perintis Kemerdekan, Babakan Village, Tangerang District.

From the results of an interim investigation, the cowboy action took place around 22.00 and 23.00 WIB. However, it is not certain that the perpetrator is the same person.

"So far we have collected information from evidence and witnesses around the scene," said Abdul when confirmed, Sunday, June 7.

However, there is no evidence or clues leading to the identity of the perpetrator. Meanwhile, the two victims, said Abdul, were still undergoing treatment at the Tangerang District Hospital.

Both suffered gunshot wounds to the back. "Both are under medical treatment. They were shot in the back," said Abdul.

Air rifle

From the results of the investigation, continued Abdul, the perpetrators took action using an air rifle. This can be seen because the bodies of the two victims were found in bullets from the perpetrator's weapons.

However, there are allegations that the incident was a case of mistakenly shooting. Given, the location of the incident is often used as a place to shoot birds. However, to be sure it must be based on strong evidence.

"The wind gun, becomes the nose air rifle. There are a lot of people shooting birds and fish. Both air rifles," said Abdul.

Apart from that, Abdul emphasized that he could not comment further on the case. This is because during the two days of the investigation there has not been any solid evidence that points to the perpetrator or the motive for the shooting.

"There has been no development yet, that's all I can say. It's still under development. Don't want to pretend," concluded Abdul.