Want To Have A Healthy Mentality? Try Doing These 3 Habits Every Day

JAKARTA - Due to the fast-paced and stressful life, mental health conditions have become a common issue today. People are increasingly paying attention to mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety, mood swings, to depression.

Conditions that fall into the category of mental disorders not only have an impact on a person's ability to work productively, but also destroy social and personal life.

Well, in order to avoid it, you need to maintain mental health starting from small things. Reporting from POPSUGAR, Wednesday, July 21, here are simple daily habits to maintain mental health.

Get more sleep

Fatigue and lack of sleep are considered the most common early symptoms of depression. So getting enough sleep is something that needs to be prioritized. Getting enough sleep is very helpful when you are stressed about something or going through busy times because it can reduce the feeling of tiredness that results in increasing feelings of anxiety.

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68195/kesehatan-mental-mebaik-mingi-bakal-re-activity-with-ateez

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/67891/i-breaktime-bantu-kesehatan-mental-kala-pandem

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Be more active

If feeling lazy and unproductive is the trigger for your anxiety, taking the time to move your body and train your thinking is something you can do. You can also start doing it through small things like walking up the escalator instead of standing still or choosing to walk instead of riding a motorbike to get to work.

Listen to music

Plugging in earphones and listening to your favorite songs is really helpful. This can help you to calm down when you're feeling really overwhelmed after a long day at work. It's also common knowledge that listening to music triggers the release of happy hormones, which make you feel loved and refresh your brain.